
Nodame Cantabile Wallpaper: Futari no Adagio

Tomoko Ninomiya, J.C. Staff, Nodame Cantabile, Megumi Noda, Shinichi Chiaki Wallpaper
Tomoko Ninomiya Mangaka J.C. Staff Studio Nodame Cantabile Series Megumi Noda Character Shinichi Chiaki Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I checked my profile page and I just found out that I haven't created any new wallie in almost a year. I can't remember my last time browsing this website. LOL.

Futari no Adagio is featuring Chiaki and Nodame. I found this lovely scan and decided to make something of it. The image scan itself was already beautiful but it was too plain with just a white background. So I added some components to turn it into something more beautiful.

Since I'm such a lazybum, it took about 5 hours to complete this wallie. I don't remember how many layers it had but it was enough to make my computer went crazy.

Hope you'll like it... I look forward to hearing constructive feedback from you all.


Chosen by Bernouli and MapleRose

cygnet has done a wonderful job recreating the watercolour style of the scan. I also love the background elements that were added in, such as the fence and the plants, that look so natural and fit seamlessly. Awesome work!

Proposed by Bernouli and highlighted by MapleRose.

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  1. kunogi09midori Oct 21, 2009

    Nice wallpaper and welcome back to MT.

  2. Bernouli Retired Moderator Oct 21, 2009

    I really adore how you extended the scan and made a whole scene that matches the art of the original so well. It's so peaceful. :D

  3. mona12 Oct 21, 2009

    wow what a lovely pic i looove it ^_^

  4. bromithia Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2009

    I just love everything about this, the scan is adorable and the work you did is great. Keep it up!

  5. MizuuHime Oct 22, 2009

    Nice and lovely ^_^ I like it ^_^

  6. vitaamin Oct 22, 2009

    this is absolutely precious! there is one small thing that i will nitpick at--thats the lining on the characters--the lining in the backdrop seems so neat whilst the lining on the characters is a bit thicker and messier. the parts that you extended (i assume) look better than the scan--i feel that cleaning up their facial features/hair a bit would make this wall even more kick ass.
    good job!

  7. cuteninja Oct 23, 2009

    hey hey hey. a really nice wall. more nodame cantabile wallpapers are welcomed. My only concern is its not widescreen :(

  8. MapleRose Retired Moderator Oct 23, 2009

    I love the watercolour style! The extra details in the background are awesome, and suits the scan quite well. My only nitpick is that the bird on the bike, while awesomely done, looks too 3-D compared to the rest of the image >__<

  9. budjong Oct 27, 2009

    i love this anime!

    tnx 4 having it as a wallpaper..more nodame walls pls!

  10. ivanaaa Oct 29, 2009

    love it!thanks for sharing

  11. mavisy Restricted Member Oct 30, 2009

    So lovely~
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Magistel Oct 31, 2009

    it so cute. nice wall. >__< thank for sharing.

  13. CosmoStar Nov 01, 2009

    I love everything that features Nodame Cantabile! Your wallie is no exception! So lovely! Great work choosing and arranging the elements for the background!

  14. TomoyoYumemi Nov 02, 2009

    pretty pic even Chiaki's face looks like a mask xD

  15. monster33 Nov 06, 2009

    Beautiful colors great painting
    Love it ^^

  16. ayuholic Nov 06, 2009

    beotiful coloring.. thanks for share!

  17. mamalemon Nov 08, 2009

    fufufufufu,.another nodame and chiaki
    love love love! mukyaaaa!

  18. thedoxp Nov 13, 2009

    Oh when i see this pic I hear cantabile sound thx

  19. Deluhism Nov 14, 2009

    Arigatou Gozaimasu...
    Awesome wallpapers...!

  20. greenemerald Nov 24, 2009

    i agree the watercolour style goes really well wid the theme. nice wallie! thanks for sharing

  21. yukirina Feb 05, 2010

    I love this couple <3333

  22. aishiheartnet Feb 09, 2010

    Nodame Cantabile is nice and funny story hmmmm

    I really lke it!
    Thank you!

  23. 20srn Feb 20, 2010

    Nice scan !
    I love Nodame _MUkY?-GYopi!
    Thank you ^_^

  24. BluberyEuglena Feb 26, 2010

    a cute wallpaper...thanks for sharing..

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