
Gantz Wallpaper: Vitruvian Gantz

Hiroya Oku, Gonzo, Gantz Wallpaper
Hiroya Oku Mangaka Gonzo Studio Gantz Series

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well, I present my first wallpaper, when it watches in a book the "Vitruvian man", it immediately remembered Gantz to me, and immediately it imagines as the Vitruvian Gantz would be seen me, I take almost 5 hrs to draw up the position of Vitruvian, and they would be asked, so that it does not have face? I thought to put the face of Kurono, but I preferred to let it in target to avoid that to some they did not like, since I have run into in the Web with several anti-fans of Kurono, to give the effect of old only uses the image of better resolution than I found, using the words “old paper”, in the same way found " old brushes" for the text of the right, and remembering the designs that appeared in omake of volume 12 it mixes, to give them to that in question effect of the designs of the origin and creation of Gantz, because I hope that they like so much as and that the decision about the face does not cause problems.

PD: I must confess that the majority of the outlines of the body left pinup in which Sakurai was front :P and sorry for my englsih.

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  1. Hoodlum Oct 20, 2009

    Pretty good walie for the first upload.
    There are very a few good Gantz wallies and I must say yours is one of them. Keep up the good work!

  2. Fensuz Dec 22, 2009

    vlw pelo wallpaper,...................................

  3. gespinozar Jan 27, 2010

    muy buen imagen, gracias por compartirla, descargando..

  4. frosty666 Dec 18, 2010

    muy buen imagen, gracias por compartirla, descargando..

  5. parlantexyz Mute Member Dec 27, 2010

    Gracias.....Exelente Scan =D

  6. mxlmp295arm Sep 04, 2011

    This picture reminds me of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings. Thx for share

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