
K-On! Wallpaper: An Ideal Sawako-sensei

Kakifly, Kyoto Animation, K-On!, Sawako Yamanaka Wallpaper
Kakifly Mangaka Kyoto Animation Studio K-On! Series Sawako Yamanaka Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4
Purpose: Vector practice since K-On! scans are so clean and easy to work with.
Results: I'm, overall, very satisfied with it. It's not detailed at all, with almost no painting done to it, but it's clean.
Process: I did all the vector work in Illustrator. I added some adjustment layers and small bits of painting (eyes and the soft shadows) in Photoshop. Overall, it took most of yesterday afternoon and evening and about two hours today to complete it. I took the colors for her hair and eyes from a colored manga scan. As for her clothes and the background, I chose random colors that went well together. That was it.
Failures: Painted scenery in the window, but...they turned out too realistic for this obviously very vectored anime wallpaper. So I left it as a clear sunset sky. Another possible failure would be the lack of shades, but I'm lazy!

Original Scan: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l201/lunarblade/K-Onv01c07-059.jpg

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  1. zangetsu001 Mute Member Oct 15, 2009

    Great job confrat i like it thx XD

  2. jhon571 Oct 18, 2009

    this is gorgeous!this is amazing! you made another great wall

  3. faizex Restricted Member Feb 25, 2010

    pretty gorgeous background

  4. lolalola May 19, 2010

    Wow, amazing color. Excellent Job

  5. sfgryedfhbdfbdfbvc Jun 05, 2010

    you made another great wall

  6. aQuaresDviA Aug 22, 2010

    great sharing on this wall!

  7. bochan91 Oct 19, 2010

    kawaaaaaaiii picture
    i like this

  8. xpon Mar 21, 2011

    Sawa~chan kawaii....

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