
Natsume Yuujinchou Wallpaper: Oracular Spectacular

Yuki Midorikawa, Brains Base, Natsume Yuujinchou, Nyanko-sensei, Takashi Natsume Wallpaper
Yuki Midorikawa Mangaka Brains Base Studio Natsume Yuujinchou Series Nyanko-sensei Character Takashi Natsume Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Happy Belated Birthday luna!

Started from finding out that luna liked Natsume Yuujinchou and i had a project from it on my WIP list XD
Found this scan at MT and decided to do the vector lines in colour than the usual black since it looked better with coloured lines and only vectored 4 out of the 6 characters featured in the original scan.

It wasn't that bad until i started to vector Madara and i have to say he had so much detail especially his tail it felt like forever to finish him x_x
Re-created the background and made some alterations with a bit of painting as well.

Hope you like it! Comments & Faves are always welcomed ^_^

Other resolutions go here

Timescale: 1 Week
Layers: 109
Programme Used: Photoshop CS2

vector-wallers vectory chamber-of-kings

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  1. Valuna Retired Moderator Sep 22, 2009

    Mountains seem a bit off...Maybe too less detail in it or too layered/flatenned. Don't know how to explain it's just odd but whatever. It's good for the rest!

  2. YoruAngel866 Sep 22, 2009

    wonderful vector, background is so lovely :)
    well done on everything, and kya theres black nyanko sensei as well :)))))
    love the grass a lot, it looks so great, as well as trees :)
    that reminds me, i should do a wall or two from natsume :)+

  3. sjade1 Sep 23, 2009

    Somehow this is just really refreshing to see :).

  4. kara Sep 23, 2009

    I really liked that scan, thanks for walling it! Madara must've been a real pain to vector >_<
    The only complaint I've got are those mountains at the back. The light source is the moon which is up the top so technically, the very top bits of the mountain should be brighter. Try stroking the outlines with a more irregular brush, that way you'll get more natural looking mountains ;)
    Even if someone else doesn't seem to agree, I praise you for your hard work :)

  5. vitaamin Sep 24, 2009

    i think this vector is pretty stellar but the background falls somewhat flat. it has a good amoutn of detail but some different shades int he grass would have helped it look less flat + more texturing in the mountains. and of course vitaa is going to complain about lighting--the characters look too flat to be in such an atmosphere so do try to think about your background and how the style fits in with the way you have colored your vector. I would suggest some moonlight on the faces to give focus and depth

  6. spoonyalchemist Sep 24, 2009

    Wow, this is beautiful! You don't see enough Natsume Yuujinchou wallpapers. This is going on my desktop!

  7. Alenas Retired Moderator Sep 27, 2009

    You already know I love this. :P

  8. senpai1 Oct 12, 2009

    Oracular Spectacular...nicely done...

  9. akika Oct 17, 2009

    I love this anime! One of my favourites! I like how the little rabbit is staring at us at the bottom lol...thanks for sharing!

  10. ravenruiwen Nov 01, 2009

    AHHH! one of my fav anime! ^^

  11. motif Dec 02, 2009

    Wow! This picture looks beautiful! ^^

  12. Fensuz Dec 22, 2009

    vlw pelo wallpaper................................

  13. LainAlphard May 13, 2010

    It looks peaceful. I like it that black nyanko-sensei is also there ^^
    Thank you for sharing~

  14. fool101 Jun 06, 2010

    Wow amazing Natsume Yuujinchou wallie


  15. mad-fox Aug 15, 2010

    just beautiful! i love it ^^

  16. ilydean Sep 27, 2010

    thanks for sharing,it is really a nice wallpaper

  17. nick13 Oct 13, 2010

    so cool!
    Thanks for uploading!

  18. isaicombatfighter Mute Member Dec 03, 2010

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha I am the master! (need credits)

  19. akaonda Restricted Member Aug 27, 2011

    good job i like this wallpaper.thanks for sharing

  20. WalkingEncyclopedia Feb 19, 2012

    LOL the fake Nyanko sensei

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