
Original Wallpaper: in the SOUL...

Vector Art, Original Wallpaper
Vector Art Source Original Source

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

first my work to make this wallpaper on corelX3
i got this idea from my mind in a few days.
Need 3 days to make this wallpaper.

sorry for the late, i create this from corel stuff and thats all is vector originaly by me :D
and i didnt use photosop after all..
thanks for your comming and sorry for the late :)

thank you

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  1. x-lawss Sep 19, 2009

    Is this your work? The blue looks nice :D

  2. aznwtydragon Sep 20, 2009

    Like the design.

  3. Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 21, 2009

    Please write a proper description or risk having it deleted.

  4. cloudymirror22 Nov 04, 2009

    Lovely wallpaper, I will use this <3

  5. Clover Feb 20, 2010

    i kinda like your new wall, but i found this one when i looked at the new one.
    It looks quite nice, but the tech brush you used in the front doesn't match the rest.
    One other thing like Chloe said, make a propper discription.
    Well for me i looks like you used some brushes you found on the net.
    That isn't bad (its one kind of art), but you should give a credit to the site where you got the brush or the person who made it in your discription.

  6. BethHua May 27, 2011

    The blue is very beautiful~~The butterflies are cute~

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