
Vampire Knight: You're Safe Under My Umbrella :)

Vampire Knight, Rima Touya, Senri Shiki, Member Art
Vampire Knight Series Rima Touya Character Senri Shiki Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

This is the very first time I've ever colored up a piece of my own art on the computer. >_< I hope it looks good. Still a major rookie when it comes to highlights and shadows computer-wise... O_O;

Let's see...I drew this to enter into the vampire knight club's chibi contest! I have been practicing with different types of Chibi, I still feel I'm really rusty at that as well. But practice makes perfect right? LOL Oh yeah...and about the parasol....well...it's weird I know... I'm still working on umbrellas and stuff. T-T

The idea behind this pic is, Rima and Shiki were out on a walk during the day...and Shiki collapsed from the heat. So, in an effort to protect him from the light, Toya holds her parasol over him. :3 She's wondering when he'll recover. LOL

The background is really really simplistic, mainly becuz I wanted to draw something up...but I'm not going to have the time. >_<' Plus, I want the main focus on them anyhow. ^^;

I don't know what else to say besides...I hope everyone likes it! :3

Plaid Brush by myluckystars of Deviantart
Light Brush by anodyne-stock of Deviantart
Rays Brush by ObsidianDawn

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  1. Sinever Sep 14, 2009

    hahahaha that is so cute xD
    I totally love their expression, well done & good luck!

  2. M2Vz Sep 14, 2009

    XD I didn't see you've submitted this :3

    Like sin-chan said, their expressions are hilarious xD
    This is good for the first try, actually. Of course you need to improve the shading, but I think my first try wasn't this good xD

    Good luck for the contest <3

  3. speedking5 Sep 14, 2009

    not bad but hey ur first

    merged: 09-14-2009 ~ 05:11pm
    not bad but hey ur first

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