
Mononoke: Mononoke - Front Page

Yaeko Ninagawa, Toei Animation, Mononoke, Kusuriuri
Yaeko Ninagawa Mangaka Toei Animation Studio Mononoke Series Kusuriuri Character


I took screenshots of Mononoke's m a i n p a g e, piece them all together with Photoshop CS, did a bit of tweaking here and there to make it seamless... This took 11 layers to do. It's a tad extended, courtesy of clone tool but only at the edges. *apologetic* I was getting really tired of my crop tool at the time.

I think the original scan is out there somewhere, seen a small version of it h e r e . It's more crinkly than this, and has no title/banner...

Well hope this gets through!

side note: Mononoke AMVs deluded me into thinking that there were a bounty of Mononoke Scans out there, so imagine how surprised I was to see so few here.. Ah well, plenty of doujinshi on DA. Oh and this is my first scan. >_>

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  1. pinple Sep 14, 2009

    what a create colour of these pics...

  2. densmud Apr 20, 2010

    thank you for the great scan.

  3. jiop May 09, 2010

    thanks for the great scan!

  4. aKATska Dec 18, 2010

    so cute!>.<
    Thanks for sharing....................

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