what a create colour of these pics...
I took screenshots of Mononoke's m a i n p a g e, piece them all together with Photoshop CS, did a bit of tweaking here and there to make it seamless... This took 11 layers to do. It's a tad extended, courtesy of clone tool but only at the edges. *apologetic* I was getting really tired of my crop tool at the time.
I think the original scan is out there somewhere, seen a small version of it h e r e . It's more crinkly than this, and has no title/banner...
Well hope this gets through!
side note: Mononoke AMVs deluded me into thinking that there were a bounty of Mononoke Scans out there, so imagine how surprised I was to see so few here.. Ah well, plenty of doujinshi on DA. Oh and this is my first scan. >_>
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pinple Sep 14, 2009
densmud Apr 20, 2010
thank you for the great scan.
jiop May 09, 2010
thanks for the great scan!
aKATska Dec 18, 2010
so cute!>.<
Thanks for sharing....................
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