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This little chibi is drawn as a practice for Vampire Knight group's contest
here. I never drew a chibi before, so I thought
I'll give it a try before actually drawing for the contest.
lol Firstly, the title. It is inspired from Australia (a movie) 's OST, titled "By the Boab Tree". I really like that song, and I think it suits my wallpaper's theme. Since I have no idea what's a boab tree, I replaced it with a pine tree (not sure if it's a pine tree as well, I found it in photoshop's shape). ^^
Again, this is my first time drawing chibi. I added textures (made by me :D) to cover the plain-ness of the BG xD
But if you'd like textureless one, see my DA.
(I am more confident with the textured one xD)
Textures made by me. You can find them here : Moonlight Memory Design My graphic site <3
That's all and enjoy~...?
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