awwsh yea i know how you feel >_>
but i love this! its adorable and makes me feel all fuzzy inside >D
Artist Comment
Hey guys... I'm back.
The reason I left in the beginning was because I had a major breakdown. I lost my drive I had from the beginning to draw, and lost track of myself. I lost my inspiration and unable to think of any new material, and I only completed two drawings from then and now D:
I'm planning to stay this time around, and try to continue drawing whenever possible. I am very sorry to have let down those who have supported me during my time drawing and sharing them here. This was the place that made my drawing what it is, and I abandoned everyone... I hope I will make up the time I've been away, and share more of my drawings here :)
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vitaamin Aug 02, 2009
Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 02, 2009
Aww, so cute <3
Sucks what happened, but it's great to see a new wall from you
finally, very happy and pleaseant too. Great job on the light and warm colors ^^ -
freezen Aug 02, 2009
so glad to see you back with a new wall <3 it makes me think of warm cottony blankets to cuddle in the cold o^^o
i'm so setting this as my new wall :D
Melisandre Aug 02, 2009
amazing back, I'm happy you're here between us :D
DarthTofu Aug 03, 2009
SEGNOJ!I've missed you so much. ^____^
Nice to see Zuru again and his warm fuzziness. :) -
athrun-yume Aug 04, 2009
hey! i love your drawings! the bunnies are so sweet! ^^ continue to work hard on it! :D
sailorchiron Aug 11, 2009
*flying tackle glomp* I've missed you! This is a lovely new work of Zuru, I'm very happy to see him!
animelover901120 Aug 14, 2009
Love it..the color are so's warm...beautiful art i might say..=p
Alcyndore Aug 16, 2009
I'd say this is my fav from the Bunny series. I hope I see more of them. they are great!
happypk04 Sep 05, 2009
your wallpapers are so incredibly warm and full of emotion...
I really enjoy this one! very colorful and bright! -
Konkombre Dec 05, 2009
Ah..., when I go on Minitokyo, I always get out with lots of new wallies, and it's so hard to choose...
Thanks for sharing your work, this one is really lovely ? -
mammonlovesmoney Jan 28, 2010
Funny... Singularity of style posing and bubbles are looked together abruptly
SHIKIAKI Mute Member Nov 14, 2010
dream ~~ the color make up an so amazing dream
As-steinn-ki Jan 24, 2011
????? ????????, ? ?????? - ????????? ???????)
greenemerald May 23, 2011
i know what the little guy's singing - "you and I... in this beautiful world!"
Kiba-dono Jun 28, 2011
all the colours of the rainbow in this hand..kietsu))
Indee Jul 01, 2011
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