gorgeous work. I like the colors and the colors and the vector is really clean :D
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Our Newest submission
This begin when chit-chat with her about our latest work in progress (it stamped about 10 weeks ago) and she's noticed that I'm working for same scan that she do. But cause I'm so slowly to work my own vector, she's ask me to help her complete her vector since it's almost finish except for sunflower parts and she had no idea for BG.
You know... it's hard to do reconstruction for that sunflowers but finally I can managed it (hope it's look good X-O)
When I finish the whole vector (+ some refine) and give her design for BG, we discussed it really seriously like the
doctors in an emergency case ^_^'
Refine the curtain, painting sky, make the window and end up as vines (?), then blah~ blah~ blah....etc
After 3 days and 3rd revision finally she says: "waaaaa..it's so nice,i knew you could do it^^ *hugs*" (well I hugs her back after this XD)
But after that, we confused about the title. This is some dialoge of our craziest state (I spoiler it if you want to
skip it)
Spoiler (show)
I think that's all I can say and maybe Christa-chan will give her description later XD
Last word, I hope you like our work and comments and favs highly appreciated :)
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Melisandre Jul 30, 2009
Kitaan Retired Moderator Jul 30, 2009
Ah, someone finally walled it. I loved this scan alot, though never crossed
my mind to wall it. Although the painted/cellshaded look is a nice look to try, I think
you should've just cellshaded the whole thing. The painting makes it look blurry and just messes up the whole look for me. Other than that, great job on it. -
ShinKyo Jul 30, 2009
It looks great, I like the way you colored it, especially her dress ^^
christabel92 Jul 30, 2009
Yay,it's in the gallery...me so happy^^
It looks really wonderful,i think :) -
jns Jul 30, 2009
Yay! Someone finally walled this
I agree with Kitten.. just cellshading would have looked better
But still, nice job -
Pulver15 Jul 31, 2009
Yay! Finally finished it!
I really love the whole situation there
I especially love the dress cause it looks so cute! XD
Great job you two! -
excaliburer Jul 31, 2009
one submission again from our great wallers...
graet job, haya-san! this wall is really cool... -
blacklistgenesis Jul 31, 2009
fabulous wallpaper!
Thunsinee Jul 31, 2009
vitaamin Jul 31, 2009
i have to agree with some of the calls for cellshading. while painting could have worked well with the cellshading, it doesnt have enough definition to justify it.
i think the sunflowers in the front come close to how to mesh cellshading and painting, but its still a bit messy =/
and well like always i'll complain about the colors--parts have this desaturated tone--but it clashes so much with the silky cyan and the bright sky.
but it is nice to see a wall with this scan -
j-valium Aug 01, 2009
the vector is really great,love the idea of the dead flowers and the petals, the colors are great too, nice contrast.
Fran Retired Moderator Aug 01, 2009
Looks nice
Ever since I've been surfing on the xxxHolic gallery that scan always called my attention. Never had the guts to wall it.
But there are some minor things to point out, like the sunflowers, but that had been already mentioned. The colors are a bit dull.
Overall is a lovely wallpaper, I like what you guys did ^^ -
sniper-gamma Aug 01, 2009
wow... such a great wallpaper! hohoho... ^^
background kayaknya sulit tu dibuatnya... hehehe... great effort! -
vampiresiberian Aug 01, 2009
great wallpaper =D I have seen the scan and I was thinking that I like the pic... this wall looks so nice...
Faqir Aug 01, 2009
pretty. :)
+fav -
ShiningSpirit Aug 01, 2009
Beautiful! <3 I love it!
YoruAngel866 Aug 01, 2009
why isnt this in elite? this is really wonderfull wall. makes me sad :(
nicely done you two ^^ -
temarigenius Aug 02, 2009
Amazing collab with Christabel!~ >_<
I love this wallpaper~ It's kinda rare to have a xxxHolice wallpaper without Yuuko, but you guys did it!
And this wallpaper looks really gorgeous! *_*
I think you both did awesome job in making this wonderful wallpaper~ :D -
thaikuching Aug 02, 2009
Oh, so this is Himawari?
So beautiful!
Thank u for your hard work! -
kamui2-kun Aug 03, 2009
himawari es la chica mas agradable de spues de yuuko en esa serie tan genial
teganaste un 10 -
rizacaga Aug 03, 2009
as always.....
bagus koq.....
bingung mo comment apa....^^' -
Omone Aug 03, 2009
I don't quite know. I don't really like the different shadings in the wallpaper but it kinda gives it a unique feeling. hm.. not sure..
anyways great job at vectoring this scan! I am so glad someone does it since i always liked the scan =Dreally great on!
And I totally like your idea qith the "broken" curtains and all. very nice! -
machimiko Aug 04, 2009
Wow.... this is unspeakably gorgeous. Great job!
zaira Aug 05, 2009
Its been a long time since i saw a xxxHolic wallie but anyway
love the scan used! Himawari is just so cute as ever even with
a serious look on her face, cellshading is a nice try though i found
some parts which are kinda off like the coloring since i found your
colors solid and its really hard to see the toning and stuff, also if i didnt
read your description about your curtains i may also didnt notice that they
are tattered but anyway great job as usual for the vectoring ;) +fav!
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