
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Break Time I

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu, Yuuki Cross, Vector Art Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character Yuuki Cross Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


This wall is dedicated to M2Vz, Nisnoopy3 & Vampireprince xD
hope you guys love it :3

please check Break Time II by trofikabinet , its a gorgeous kanayuuki wallie xD
man its been a long time since I submitted my last wallpaper ^^" anyways Im back again with a new VK wallie, I decided to vector this scan the moment saga-chan posted it. I so badly wanted to vector all three of them but I couldnt do that since reconstructing the scan from both sides was required so I ended up vectoring zero & yuuki only.
vectoring & coloring the scan was very easy but completing the missing parts of zero's shirt was a pain & Im still not sure if I did it well ^^"

as for the bg I used this clannad scan, I wanted to make both zero & yuuki look like they are having a break & a drink in a cafe xD I hope it looks like their are having a drink in a cafe ^^"
well I guess thats it, hope you guys enjoy this wall xD

Next wallie:
I will try to make a nice bg for maria's vector which was done a long time ago & after that Im going to submit a trio version of this wallie :3 its a bad thing to kick poor kaname out of the picture xD

favs/comments are really appreciated, I will do my best to make the most beautiful VK walls ever for you guys xD


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  1. misstiger921 Jul 28, 2009

    This is my favorite wallpaper yet, Thanks a ton

  2. aneznam Jul 28, 2009

    This is so beautiful as always & I really can't wait for the kaname version! <3

  3. trofikabinet Jul 28, 2009

    kljijfdngmh @@
    Awesome wall Sin-chan, I really really love it since the 1st moment I saw it xD
    You always make such amazing vk walls, you never cease to amaze and spoil us ^^

  4. chrisp Jul 28, 2009

    wow i was really waiting for another wall from you because they are always amazing! everything is so perfect! painting and vector...i just can't believe how great it is ^^but wait...they are always great and i can't wait for more!

  5. DarthTofu Jul 28, 2009

    Zero's skin seems too yellow.
    But it's such a cute wall <3

  6. Pulver15 Jul 28, 2009

    A new vk work from you!
    Zero looks really awesome here and as always:
    Thank you for this wonderful wall!

  7. Pika-Pika-Pikachu Jul 28, 2009


  8. Karina2110 Jul 28, 2009

    Thank you for such beauty wallpaper)

  9. uffy-chan Jul 28, 2009

    It's beautiful and perfect! they're so tender and nice^^ I love it!

  10. YENESIS Jul 28, 2009

    Very Good!
    Always you works are soo Precious(im wait Kaname version*---*kyaa)
    the face of yuki is so pretty lips pink nice,Zero smile! the tshirt is sexy jeje
    thank you for soo pretty works *---*

  11. animelover901120 Jul 29, 2009

    beautiful...Love both of the break time...xD

  12. rizacaga Jul 29, 2009

    lovely...as always...

  13. andain Jul 29, 2009

    finally, zero is smiling, thanks

  14. Meiko-kun Jul 29, 2009

    Really beautiful! *.*

  15. kara Jul 29, 2009

    Wow! That looks awesome! You definitely do make the best VK walls ever! The way you colour it is astounding, especially since it's from a black and white scan. *Stares* *_*

  16. Tina18 Jul 29, 2009

    Ah~ is done and I'm late on commenting. So cute. I love how it turned out in the end. Zero look so lovely. Is nice to see him smile for a change. you did a very good job. Fast one too xD I like the colors, specially on those glasses, they match yuuki's hair xD love her lips too.
    You girls used the same outlines huh d: Good luck with the Maria wallie =D

  17. o0--Butterfly--0o Jul 29, 2009

    Theyre too cute~! T^T <3
    Great wallie Sinever~! =)

  18. Susan-chan Jul 29, 2009

    looks awsome :) hurray :3

  19. lastwilight Jul 29, 2009

    Wow! Very beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful wall!

  20. tsuki-akari Jul 29, 2009

    WOW sin-chan! ^^

    You always make such amazing vk walls XD

  21. Sakucha Jul 29, 2009

    WAAAH! Been waiting for a Zeki wall. XD Awsome work as always Sin-chan. :D

  22. Hoodlum Jul 29, 2009

    Hello Shin-chan!
    I'm keep looking at your wallie and thinking "Damn, I gotta learn how to vector"!
    I guess I said it in the previous comments, but I'll say it again: I don't like much vector wallies, but when I see your wallies (and a few other people's vectors), I'm catching myself on the thoughts that I must learn how to vector. You really have a talent to make a vector look less "vector" and more realistic (I'm not sure that "realistic" is the right word, but I don't have any equivalent in my mind now ^_^')
    So, bravo again! Another great wallie of yours. I like this version more than the second because of it's color palette: it looks more softer to me.
    And one more thing: I hope you don't mind if I wouldn't add this one to my faves T_T . It's really very nicely done and all, but I would be a hypocrate if I said that this is one of my favorites. I'm adding to my fave list only a wallies that REALLY becoming favorite to me (or at least I'm trying to do it), but not that just nicely done ( :sweat: I guess the word "just" sounds a bit rude, but I don't meant to be a rude, believe me).
    P.S: Still can't wait for "Yuki With Wolves" wallpaper >.<

  23. M2Vz Jul 29, 2009

    *squeal* OMG. aww sin-chan, for me? :D sorry my comment is sooo late >.<

    I looove this~ Probably the best dedication I've ever received, sin-chan ^^ and you know how much I love zero and yuuki together, and you put them in such a cheerful situation since lately VK's atmosphere is darker xD thank you thank you sin-chan ^_^

    I'll learn how to vector as good as you~ :D
    Thanks again and thanks for inspiring me to be better :3 *hugs tightly*
    and +fav ;)

    merged: 07-29-2009 ~ 02:50pm
    P.S : and good luck with the next one ^_^

  24. nisnoopy3 Jul 29, 2009

    Wow! XD You make this for me? XD I'm so happy! XD Very very delighted! XD You make me feel so happy today.. aw.. >_< You know how much I like suprises! XD I was so surprised when I check my GB today! XD Thank you so much for this! XD I love it so much! THANK YOU SIN-CHAN! XD

    couldn't resist not to comment abit for this great wallie ;)
    lol.. you always maintain your quality and this wall just proved it! :o Great as usual, I love Zero! XD Wait.. is there something wrong with Zero's left eye? I'm not sure but it seem not focus like his right eye.. :o

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