This is my favorite wallpaper yet, Thanks a ton

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
This wall is dedicated to ,
hope you guys love it :3
please check Break Time II by trofikabinet ,
its a gorgeous kanayuuki wallie xD
man its been a long time since I submitted my last wallpaper ^^" anyways Im back again with a new VK wallie, I
decided to vector this scan
the moment saga-chan posted it. I so badly wanted to vector all three of them but I couldnt do that since reconstructing
the scan from both sides was required so I ended up vectoring zero & yuuki only.
vectoring & coloring the scan was very easy but completing the missing parts of zero's shirt was a pain &
Im still not sure if I did it well ^^"
as for the bg I used this clannad scan, I
wanted to make both zero & yuuki look like they are having a break & a drink in a cafe xD I hope it looks like
their are having a drink in a cafe ^^"
well I guess thats it, hope you guys enjoy this wall xD
Next wallie:
I will try to make a nice bg for maria's vector which was done a long time ago & after that Im going to submit
a trio version of this wallie :3 its a bad thing to kick poor kaname out of the picture xD
favs/comments are really appreciated, I will do my best to make the most beautiful VK walls ever for you guys xD
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misstiger921 Jul 28, 2009
aneznam Jul 28, 2009
This is so beautiful as always & I really can't wait for the kaname version! <3
trofikabinet Jul 28, 2009
kljijfdngmh @@
Awesome wall Sin-chan, I really really love it since the 1st moment I saw it xD
You always make such amazing vk walls, you never cease to amaze and spoil us ^^ -
chrisp Jul 28, 2009
wow i was really waiting for another wall from you because they are always amazing! everything is so perfect! painting and vector...i just can't believe how great it is ^^but wait...they are always great and i can't wait for more!
DarthTofu Jul 28, 2009
Zero's skin seems too yellow.
But it's such a cute wall <3 -
Pulver15 Jul 28, 2009
A new vk work from you!
Zero looks really awesome here and as always:
Thank you for this wonderful wall! -
Pika-Pika-Pikachu Jul 28, 2009
Karina2110 Jul 28, 2009
Thank you for such beauty wallpaper)
uffy-chan Jul 28, 2009
It's beautiful and perfect! they're so tender and nice^^ I love it!
+FAV -
YENESIS Jul 28, 2009
Very Good!
Always you works are soo Precious(im wait Kaname version*---*kyaa)
the face of yuki is so pretty lips pink nice,Zero smile! the tshirt is sexy jeje
thank you for soo pretty works *---* -
animelover901120 Jul 29, 2009
beautiful...Love both of the break time...xD
rizacaga Jul 29, 2009 always...
andain Jul 29, 2009
finally, zero is smiling, thanks
Meiko-kun Jul 29, 2009
Really beautiful! *.*
kara Jul 29, 2009
Wow! That looks awesome! You definitely do make the best VK walls ever! The way you colour it is astounding, especially since it's from a black and white scan. *Stares* *_*
Tina18 Jul 29, 2009
Ah~ is done and I'm late on commenting. So cute. I love how it turned out in the end. Zero look so lovely. Is nice to see him smile for a change. you did a very good job. Fast one too xD I like the colors, specially on those glasses, they match yuuki's hair xD love her lips too.
You girls used the same outlines huh d: Good luck with the Maria wallie =D -
o0--Butterfly--0o Jul 29, 2009
Theyre too cute~! T^T <3
Great wallie Sinever~! =) -
Susan-chan Jul 29, 2009
looks awsome :) hurray :3
lastwilight Jul 29, 2009
Wow! Very beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful wall!
tsuki-akari Jul 29, 2009
WOW sin-chan! ^^
You always make such amazing vk walls XD
Sakucha Jul 29, 2009
WAAAH! Been waiting for a Zeki wall. XD Awsome work as always Sin-chan. :D
Hoodlum Jul 29, 2009
Hello Shin-chan!
I'm keep looking at your wallie and thinking "Damn, I gotta learn how to vector"!
I guess I said it in the previous comments, but I'll say it again: I don't like much vector wallies, but when I see your wallies (and a few other people's vectors), I'm catching myself on the thoughts that I must learn how to vector. You really have a talent to make a vector look less "vector" and more realistic (I'm not sure that "realistic" is the right word, but I don't have any equivalent in my mind now ^_^')
So, bravo again! Another great wallie of yours. I like this version more than the second because of it's color palette: it looks more softer to me.
And one more thing: I hope you don't mind if I wouldn't add this one to my faves T_T . It's really very nicely done and all, but I would be a hypocrate if I said that this is one of my favorites. I'm adding to my fave list only a wallies that REALLY becoming favorite to me (or at least I'm trying to do it), but not that just nicely done ( :sweat: I guess the word "just" sounds a bit rude, but I don't meant to be a rude, believe me).
P.S: Still can't wait for "Yuki With Wolves" wallpaper >.<
M2Vz Jul 29, 2009
*squeal* OMG. aww sin-chan, for me? :D sorry my comment is sooo late >.<
I looove this~ Probably the best dedication I've ever received, sin-chan ^^ and you know how much I love zero and yuuki together, and you put them in such a cheerful situation since lately VK's atmosphere is darker xD thank you thank you sin-chan ^_^
I'll learn how to vector as good as you~ :D
Thanks again and thanks for inspiring me to be better :3 *hugs tightly*
and +fav ;)merged: 07-29-2009 ~ 02:50pm
P.S : and good luck with the next one ^_^ -
nisnoopy3 Jul 29, 2009
Wow! XD You make this for me? XD I'm so happy! XD Very very delighted! XD You make me feel so happy today.. aw.. >_< You know how much I like suprises! XD I was so surprised when I check my GB today! XD Thank you so much for this! XD I love it so much! THANK YOU SIN-CHAN! XD
couldn't resist not to comment abit for this great wallie ;)
lol.. you always maintain your quality and this wall just proved it! :o Great as usual, I love Zero! XD Wait.. is there something wrong with Zero's left eye? I'm not sure but it seem not focus like his right eye.. :o
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