
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning Wallpaper: Spiral: Dear Prince

Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning, Hizumi Mizushiro, Vector Art Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

A Spiral WallPaper.

Description: A Spiral WallPaper featuring Hizumi Mizushiro.

About the series: Spiral,The Bonds of Reasoning is a series done by Kyou Shirodaira and Eita Mizuno. The main protangonist is Narumi Ayumu who is a brother of a very famous pianist/Detective called Narumi Kiyotaka. Upon his brother's disappearance, he was led by several clues that his brother left behind and found himself encountering a special group of people called the 'Blade Children'.

In the series, Hizumi's existence is like a destined rival towards Ayumu.

About the Wallpaper: My Second Vector Wallpaper. Hopes this one turns out better than my previous works. (Prays Hard.. lol)

Friendly Comments are welcomed.

Thanks in advance to all who Commented/Favourited/Downloaded this Wallpaper.

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  1. Catoli Jun 23, 2009

    Great vector but it lacks a lot of shades =/

  2. xAngelwingx Jun 23, 2009

    love the vector, thanks for this :]

  3. XxYukirinxX Jun 23, 2009

    Great vector and the background looks pretty with the lighting.
    Spiral is awesome! ^^

  4. vitaamin Jun 23, 2009

    mrawr the good use of pastel colors caught my eye, though on fullview i have to say that you should use shape layers for lineart and practice vectoring some more just to get better flow/technique.
    disagree with cat about the shades, i think they are ok, just need some refinement
    i love spiral art <33

  5. stellastarr Jul 07, 2009

    Hizumi is so lovely!

  6. knightxemnas Oct 02, 2009

    nice work

  7. sue123 Mute Member Nov 16, 2009

    wow~!Thank you for sharing~!

  8. ccvikin Dec 03, 2010

    This seems to be a new one~~~
    I've never seen it before:)

  9. ryokoKonoe Feb 07, 2011

    Kawaii :D
    Thanks for sharing !

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