
Charming Junkie Wallpaper: Crazy Junkies

Ryoko Fukuyama, Charming Junkie, Umi Kajiwara, Naka Kaburagi Wallpaper
Ryoko Fukuyama Mangaka Charming Junkie Series Umi Kajiwara Character Naka Kaburagi Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I wanted to mimic the mood from the manga cover which I scanned the picture from. I wanted it to be cheerful and bright. I also scanned the cover's big orange circles and used it as pattern. I only remembered that I can make those myself after I was done with the wallpaper. Everything else I made by using different functions in photoshop. I played around with a few gradients and patterns that I made. I also wanted the picture to look like it's a cut-out, like in those storybooks for kids, so I played a lot with the shadows.

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  1. xLuh Feb 16, 2010

    Charming Junkie rocks *-* -q

  2. Sakura-Rabbit07 Sep 11, 2011

    super cool!
    love the cut out look^^

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