
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Wallpaper: Holy Zero

Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

well 3 weeks has passed since my first wallpaper, calamity gundam and this is my second wallpaper, i got the gundam picture from NetModelers Association. Thanx to DScythe for the extracted image, Thanx to Shinta for her tutorial and Sammo's wallpaper which give me inspiration, and the last one thanx for everybody who give compliment, critism, and suggestion for my Calamity Gundam Wallpaper. Feel free to give critism and suggestion for this wallpaper too. ^_^

[edit] i've reduced gundam brightness and remove black border around the wing. thanx to you all for your feedback ^_^ thanx thanx thanx.

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  1. sword Sep 01, 2004

    lol..i think the person who inspired u was sammo, not shinta. and shinta is a girl btw xD
    personaly, i think the background is pretty but the gundam itself is oversaturated and a bit out of place. it'll fit more in outerspace instead of the heavens dontcha think?

  2. Darkness Sep 01, 2004

    Hmmmm, I have to agree with sword. The bg is nice but wing zero seems a bit outta place >.< Imo, zero seems too "bright" , hehe not sure what it is, maybe its the blue on him; juss a feeling I have but can't place it >.< Anhow still a nice piece, zero's one of my favorite! Btw, that looks like the perfect grade model. :)

  3. gundex Sep 01, 2004

    ah yes... i've updated my description... thanx to sword for telling me.

  4. rory07 Sep 01, 2004

    Quote by sword
    personaly, i think the background is pretty but the gundam itself is oversaturated and a bit out of place. it'll fit more in outerspace instead of the heavens dontcha think?

    i agree completely none the less it is still very nice..great job! :D

  5. Zerowing Sep 01, 2004

    Hey um.. im sorry if im doing this wrong, but idk how to post. But yeah i jsut wanted to say that i liked italot cuz really like gundam. But yeah i agree with sword that its a little bit out of place and a little brgiht...but still, i liek it alot

  6. tsubasa-no-kami Sep 04, 2004

    XD ahhhh ZERO kustom! looooove! X3 ((eee caps!))

  7. Asuran Sep 11, 2004

    wow i LOVE it!!! wing zero has been done justice ^_~

  8. Asuran Sep 11, 2004

    wow i LOVE it!!! wing zero has been done justice ^_~

  9. foolboy Sep 16, 2004

    Cool gear.

  10. PikaMoon Oct 02, 2004

    Nice, love the background!

  11. chibi-lizard Oct 10, 2004

    nice bg ! i love it very much. but i think the image of wing zero doesn't really match... i'm not sure bout it though... but it's still a nice wallie ~hee~ *me downloads it* :D

  12. KorganoS Oct 16, 2004

    I love the idea so much.. and it's a brilliant wall of Wing 0 custom... ^^
    great work... (Sammo inspired you? ahaha.. no wonder eh? ^_^' )

  13. jackalx66 Oct 16, 2004

    it's awesome BG...
    love it bro.
    very like it so much

  14. whitefang Oct 18, 2004

    it awesome pictures. can u tell me how do you that. i really like this pictures. but don't think anything why i write like this. i'm really like this ok. sorry if i don't add to favourite

  15. chaos Banned Member Oct 21, 2004

    It's awesome. I think any good atmosphere can fit Wing Zero really well. This one kicks, ;)

  16. whisper Nov 12, 2004

    good job man nice work and keeep up teh great work XD the pictures looks good hahahah mad props for you!!

  17. synapse Nov 24, 2004

    this is gonna eb my wall ^^

  18. nitus Nov 27, 2004

    It's.... Beautyfull, It's Beautyfully.

  19. phoenixs07 Dec 31, 2004

    muyy buena la imagen , excelenteeeee!!!! me gusto muchooo :x ;) XP

  20. aegisgat303 Jan 10, 2005

    This Gundam Zero picture is very cool and nice
    Thank you very much for your sharing..... :D

  21. lin1011 Feb 17, 2005

    Its nice, but since I'm not a good art critic, I can't tell exactly what's wrong. But I like the pose of the Gundam.

  22. Id-Weltall Apr 09, 2005

    if it were a pic it would be sweet, but since it's a model, it looks a little lame, but the background is sweet. but it looked really hard to make. i give it an A for effort and imagination

  23. mechaboy143 Apr 21, 2005

    "I feel my love.... to this Wing Zero...."
    Haha, dont remember correctly but this wall reminds me the 'White Reflection' song.
    Great job!

  24. diboweicncn May 02, 2005

    Hmmmm, I have to agree with sword. The bg is nice but wing zero seems a bit outta place Imo, zero seems too "bright" , hehe not sure what it is, maybe its the blue on him; juss a feeling I have but can't place it Anhow still a nice piece, zero's one of my favorite! Btw, that looks like the perfect grade model.

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