i love ur painting....and every things...just one thing bothers me...the color....
but still fave....

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
=D for teh stalker club secret code contest that is now over.
what number do you think i was? actually try and guess how I incorporated the number
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big thanks to dalarty, nysha, angel-zakuro, iamfreeska for their feedback and advice on the wall.
before advice version:
one piece totally needs moar love =D =D =D
scan: click
time: 2 month
layers: 297
I had in mind originally to just extend the scan and somehow incorperate my number, but when i sketched the idea out it
ended horribly cuz i just can't do perspective ;A; so then I went and looked for images of the alabasta palace or
just a field that would be suitable. the reference I used was a side image of the enterance of where luffy and
croc's final fight took place. then just a few days ago I was reading shonen jump and I found a full image of that
enterance [tiny]i was very pissed that i didnt find it before and i even looked through lots of manga pages![/tiny].
pretty glad that my reconstruction actually looked like the actual thing.
originally I wanted to just chop the sides off for the 4:3 reso. however that would be cutting some of the birds off so
I extended at the sky for that. I attempted nysha's tutorial on grass and failed
...lately why do i always make my submission on the weekends.
more resolurtions at animepaper.net
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rizacaga May 30, 2009
trofikabinet May 30, 2009
I really love every single piece of yours... ^^
Sinever May 30, 2009
I totally love your wallie, you painting skills are amazing! @@
the bg is very lovely, well done & its a highlight ;)
+fav -
CaMiLi May 30, 2009
dunno. i think you did a good job on the vector, but too bad that the bg is not that great :/ it would look cooler, if it has some more depth in it. but it looks so unrealistic and very 2D, although you tried very hard with the painting. anyways the grass look fine to me :) you can do better, i m sure.
Loreku Jun 28, 2009
Very perfect work!
akika Jul 09, 2009
haha the duck is so cool~ it's such a happy wallie, makes me smile, thanks for sharing! ^__^
n1cht Jan 23, 2010
great pix
thx for sharing it!
:) :)
Primaverah Mar 13, 2010
Vivi & carueeeeeeee ! love Carue XD !
Thnx 4 the wallp. ^^
EarthSK123 May 13, 2010
I like Carue. Thankkk You.
w1k87 May 16, 2010
Cool pic, but background not so good(
screxmo Sep 15, 2010
Thank you so much for sharing!
Zero8 Sep 17, 2010
dance in the erthe..................
Naya1986 Mute Member Oct 15, 2010
kawaiii so cute
thank you for wallpaper naka...
i love One Piece very much... -
Nomin Dec 18, 2010
She looks so amazing! Thanks for sharing!
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