
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: I Yearn For You

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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Finally done this OX
I think this is the very first wallie which I take 4 days to finish :) i'm soo tired.

Original scan from here. I extended the vine, so I'm sorry if it looks weird :DDD

Special thanks for Sin-chan for helping me a lot~! ^^ Outlining by filling paths is a pain, but the result is just so neat and clean, I love it XDD

Hardest part : Outlining Yuuki's dress (because I usually just stroked lines XD)
Easiest part : or rather, the most fun part : Yuuki's hair <3

I hope the BG doesn't look weird XD

Comments and favs are very very appreciated~!


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  1. Sinever May 26, 2009

    I can see the a huge difference here, you really took a big step & improved a lot ^^
    the vector is very neat & I still see some minor color leaks here & there but they are not very noticeable.
    yuuki is looking lovely & you need to work a little bit more on the eyes, the eyes in VK is very important you need to make them attractive by adding as much as details/colors as possible ^^ I know you can do it & the bg is nice.
    well done & its a fav

  2. trofikabinet May 26, 2009

    I like it :)
    There are some colour mistakes (around the hair and her arms), because you blurred. When you blur you should erase the colour that go of the line. Otherwise is a lovely vector and in case you want to know, I wanted to do the same scan :D

  3. kunogi09midori May 26, 2009

    Looks great. Like said by the people above, the blur passed the outlines so you need to earase it. The eyes, add more highlights and shades although for me it's already ok because the overall color of the vector is light colored. About the bg, I think the stone wall in the middle is a bit weird. Try to tone down the gray, maybe darker or lighten the outlines. And the side have some color leaks. Other than those, it's a great wallpaper. You got nice neat lines.

  4. Pika-Pika-Pikachu May 26, 2009


  5. kuryuki May 26, 2009

    other than the fact yuuki vector needs more contrast and darker shades it's great

  6. epsilon86 May 26, 2009

    Look very nice! I love the vines and the flower and esp yuki dress! Very detailed work and your improvement from your previous work is very prominent! Just two things. as pointed out by Sinever, her eyes need to have more vibrant colour and details! And the colour of the wall is quite pale, more constrast of colour can be done so that it will look more outstanding!

  7. Tina18 May 26, 2009

    Seeing your previous walls I think that you improved Very much. Congratz on that, you should be proud of it ^^
    I think that best part of the wall are the roses, nice outlines, you could add more shades/highlights on them. Like people previously said, the eyes need more work they look somehow washed away, like the picture is wet, and cause the skin is so pale you can't even see the white part of the eyes. I won't repeat what others said, I think she would have looked so much better with a different dress color, yenno pink with white frills?

    Good job ^^ and good luck with future projects.

  8. animelover901120 May 26, 2009

    this is beautiful...love the pale color
    really are beautiful

    Thanks for the share

  9. nasastar May 27, 2009

    My gods, this is absolutely wow with just plain colors. Beautiful and creepy in a way XD

  10. ShanaFlare May 27, 2009

    wow,i have to say the wall is brilliant :) nice work^^

  11. jns May 27, 2009

    What an amazing improvement from your previous walls!
    The painting would look better with more shading and less blurry and the background is too dark and gray in comparison with yuki
    But still, amazing improvement!
    It deserves a fave
    Keep walling and in no time you'll become a great waller ^^

  12. Princekt May 28, 2009

    love it

  13. balloonzhy May 28, 2009

    i like it~

  14. Thunsinee May 28, 2009

    Wow,a nice scan...

  15. selemental Banned Member May 28, 2009

    it's oh so very pretty! so beautiful and i l;uv the scenery too!
    *favs* plz continue making more wallies :3 cuz ur other ones r nice too!

  16. AnitaChan May 28, 2009

    Nice work!

  17. rizacaga May 29, 2009

    wah...akhirnya bisa OL....nice colors...u r improve so fast..congrats^^...+ fave

  18. machimiko May 30, 2009

    Kyaa, it's so pretty~ Everything fits together very well, nicely done ^^

  19. enai May 31, 2009

    It looks so pretty! I love the sweet colors.

  20. TomoyoYumemi Jun 01, 2009

    the girl look a bit opaque, even than the background

  21. moonescape Jun 01, 2009

    it is really nice, just the color I think could have been a little better like better color depth for the hair maybe, but other than that it's really sweet ^-^

  22. MizuuHime Jun 02, 2009

    Waa~~ It's so cute! I like it!

  23. ScarXHeart Jun 24, 2009

    This wallpaper its as good as Sin-chan's Vampire Knight wallpapers! GREAT JOB! I really like how everything goes together.
    WoW! Love it!

  24. studio Jul 16, 2009

    Beautiful. Gorgeous XD

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