I really like this wall. The simplicity, colors, and bold lines. Great job! I love Sanzo!
Artist Comment
*copied from my AP description*
Used my shortest time to complete this wall compared to other wallpapers I've made. I've vectored Sanzo and made this wall to celebrate the ending of my 3-weeks-long trial exams which drained so much out of me...
Okay, this a Saiyuki paper featuring a ragged off Sanzo smoking his lungs out.. (haha...) He always looked blank and thinking of something... So I tried to make him look moody and emo as usual from a scan in AP... The cigar is his symbol and everything of him is sputted out into the smokes... (desciption from wikipedia!) Well, we always see ths so-called-monk smoke eh?
Seeing blank spaces? I wouldn't want to add too much of things in this wall... It may seem a bit 'noisy'... He needs peace, because he always shout at Goku and Gojyo -- "SHUT UP!" a simple circles pattern from the original scan would be good as some in SZ suggested me to place some pattern to reduce its blankness... Thanks for your suggestions!
I guess that all. Thanks to those who have downloaded, commented and favourted the wall. Thanks a lot!
I'll be continuing my previous projects that are already 80% completed.. Ah, my PSD days...
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lastwilight May 24, 2009
nasastar May 27, 2009
Wow, I'm in love with ur vectors. It's really clean!
ProlificP Aug 06, 2009
Clean, awesome vector. Thank you!
grabancz Dec 05, 2009
reiichiro Jun 27, 2010
smoking is bad but sanzo makes it looks really fun
thejeffersen Sep 01, 2010
smoking is bad but sanzo makes it looks really fun
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