usa-chan! It's been a long time since the last time someone submitted Ouran's wallie. Nice work! usa-chan! I want one~ X-P
*browses userpage* Hey hey, same country! *waves*
*Copied from my AP descirption*
A wallpaper from Ouran High School Host Club...
~2nd Revision~
I have always been wondering why of all the wallpapers in the Ouran section doesn't have the smallest character in the anime-- Usa-chan (owned by Honey senpai) Ok, it's a mute and a piece of thing filled with cottons and all it does is like erm... being in Honey's hands? I do understand that... But what happens if it DISAPPEARS? OR GOT WET?
This wallpaper is quite a simple one. The vectors are ok... Except for the colouring part for Usa-chan. The blurry pattern of its colour took a lot out of me... My right hand went cramp, laptop went a bit haywire and I'M TIRED OF MAKING A NICE BG because of it.
After receiving a whole bunch of comments from members of Animepaper (thanks a lot), I've made a few changes on the wall. I've added some dotty patterns on it and some small little flowers around Usa-Chan which also have made its appearances surrounding Honey-senpai. I have decided not to add texts at the BG for it destroys everything that I wanted this wall to be- NICE, SIMPLE and CUTE!
And for those who have downloaded, commented, and faved my wall, I thank you all for the support... ToT
p/s: the site at the bottom of the wall is incorrect.
it's suppose to be ""
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usa-chan! It's been a long time since the last time someone submitted Ouran's wallie. Nice work! usa-chan! I want one~ X-P
*browses userpage* Hey hey, same country! *waves*
This is so sweet and smooth! Loved the design and the colors you chose!
Honey bunny..^^
so cute Is the best i really love the ouran wallie you have made
Love your style^^
hahaha, I like this picture, :)
OMG! It's so cute! I love this bunny!
Usa-chan kawaii!
that is so cool
i love the colour
i love it
thanks for sharing it
awsome scan, great addition
This is amazingly good wallpaper~ Thanks for sharing~ =]
thanks for sharing , i love it
thanks it so sweat
why can't see the image?
Thanks for sharing!^____^
thanks for cool wallpaper((=
Thanks for Sharing :D:X:D
cuteeeeeeeeee *_________*
veryveryvery cute~~~~~~~~~thx 4 sharing
Ouran! host club I really like this series is very, very nice
thank you for the contribution
Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
I Luv image <333
uwaaaaa! honey-senpai no kawaii na usa-chan dayo!
very cute!thanks for sharing!
definitely a fav from me ^^
bunny ... bunny ........ i like this bunny =) thx for sharing
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