wow! nice scan!
1st sight for this scan,I though the character inside a scan is Allen Walker~
Artist Comment
My first attempt at a wallpaper that I thought I might actually use. It's been about four years since my last wallpaper, and since Tegami Bachi is my latest obsession, I thought I'd try my hand at it again, since there weren't any outstanding walls (or any of Gauche...that should be remedied soon.)
What I was going for here was blue, blue, blue. I adore the color, and it can be both peaceful, strong and frail. The color scheme ended up on the blue-purple side of things with some red mixed in; I wanted SOME variety, rather than just all blue. Plus you can still find the sepia tone in Lag's eye, as well as the silver tones in his hair.
The source image was from here on Minitokyo; the brushes used are from The lyrics are from "Letters" by Stellar Kart.
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luminashine May 19, 2009
Sakura-Dust May 19, 2009
I love the textured look and although you didn't modify the original scan that much, the little you did looks really great.
I suggest you don't use that shadow effect on words anymore, the blurry look really hurts the eye ^^" Except that, great job ^^b -
ajkk May 19, 2009
It's LETTER BEE! * W *
Really glad someone vector its art. :)
The colors and the words you did that were beautiful very much~ :D
Nice work and thank you for sharing. ^ ^ *fav* -
animelover901120 May 22, 2009
What anime is it from anyway...I really love the color..and he look sad
XxExiAxX Jul 30, 2009
luv your job here!
it's really awesome! -
Andreabs-chan Sep 08, 2009
piglet316 Oct 07, 2009
The color of blue implies so many feelings which best describes a man's heart.
the atmosphere of this wall suits the series so well, thanx for sharing~~ -
riku978 Oct 12, 2009
I love this atomosphre of this letter bee wallpaper.
Great Job. -
CALIPSA Restricted Member Nov 03, 2009
Very beautifull wall..... +fav
mammonlovesmoney Nov 12, 2009
It is original enough... As to like me posing in Tegami Bachi
NiwaSaori Nov 18, 2009
Lovely wall! The colours are great it gives it a nice feeling
destructo-bot Jan 17, 2010
Very beautiful wallpaper. love the colours.
The2Alice Mar 28, 2010
it so beautiful! thanks))
and the colours are the best!) -
HenriqueFRS Sep 23, 2010
q bunitinho ! o lag
KaosTPY Mute Member Sep 26, 2010
i like the background..thanks for the share...
ploykuro Oct 19, 2010
thanks for the beautiful wallpaper!
AzureDivinity Oct 25, 2010
Oooh Lag he's so Kawaii! Go Lag Seeing!
candyslush Jan 20, 2011
I love this! beauutiful job!
keira-n Jan 24, 2011
ahhh so pretty! I love bluish purplish colors
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