
Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpaper: Clementia

CLAMP, Lelouch of the Rebellion, C.C., Lelouch Lamperouge Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Lelouch of the Rebellion Series C.C. Character Lelouch Lamperouge Character

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

go here for the zip with 1920x1200, 1680x1050, 1600x1200 and 1280x1024 resolutions. Till KISUKI.net is up, (or I update Tsumaranai) this will have to do.

even after letting my MT account die, some things never change, and that is... copy-pasta-ing descriptions from AP. :p

needed a new desktop, plus when I saw this artbook's scans my first reaction was REMOVE spinZAKU IMMEDIATELY! and so I slapped two scans together.

Tsk, haven't done a wall in aaages.

-Lelouch (and Spinzaku)

BG drawn from scratch, was lazy. Redrawing stuff was a pain (particularly on the dress....)


...walling sense is rusty. orz

3-4 days SAI-Photoshop


edit: WAT, a highlight? asdsadsajl thanks. <3


Chosen by gaara-no-shukaku and Chloe

People, check this out!
What fabulous painting! The colors are just so soft and blend perfectly in with one another.
This is something we don't see much of on MT: a "rough" style of painting that doesn't look ugly or messed up. And can you believe the background was done from scratch?
Fantastic work, Shigemitsubaki! Please submit more D:

Proposed by gaara-no-shukaku and highlighted by Chloe.

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  1. Scampi May 05, 2009

    This is the most beautiful wallpaper I have seen for this month. You did a great job reconstructing C.C's dress. The background has a rustic feel to it and it's really well done. Something I couldn't pull off with that much patience. Excellent excellent wallpaper! This should have been highlighted! ^_^

  2. jns May 05, 2009

    I just love what you've done with CC's dress and a big thanks for removing Spinzaku :D
    I love the blueish feel and the painting almost makes it look like it's water colored
    great job ^^

  3. Chloe Retired Moderator May 05, 2009

    Commented on AP =D

  4. Yamaro May 05, 2009

    And it is here <3 fav~~~~~~

  5. gaara-no-shukaku May 05, 2009

    I really adored the rough painting style, it somehow reminds me of some classic painting. Very oily and texturey. Awesome job esp. on the background and also reconstructing C.C's dress.

  6. ShinKyo May 05, 2009

    wow the bg looks great, and I don't even want to think of all the work you had to have with her dress o.o
    You're very talented and I like your style^^

  7. DarthTofu May 05, 2009

    Wonderful job. ^_^ *reiterates what has been already said because I'm lazy*
    ah... though... Lelouch and CC (?sorryimliketheonepersonherewhohasnoideawh(...) eyes don't line up... are they supposed to be looking into each others eyes? because it looks like CC is at his chest.

  8. Polura May 05, 2009

    Woooo, great job!

    Redrawing the C.C. dress (((that's is a perfect CLAMP work))) to make it look like THAT is something to be proud, it's very beautiful and it totally fits the image. I really like the way you manage to make the wallpaper look like a paiting.
    -And yes, there's something strange about eyes, cat's eyes, specially on C.C.; I don't know, but anyway I also like that part.

    [I hope you lets us see more of your work, Thx for sharing]
    Good job^^

  9. xay09 May 05, 2009

    This is a very lovely wallpaper
    i like CC's dress and the royalty of Lelouch
    I think it's just great

  10. ShanaFlare May 06, 2009

    omg! this is one of the best Code Geass wall i seen so far :D
    awesome bg and colour,the vectoring is nice^^
    i like the atmosphere so yeah great job :)

  11. Gladis May 06, 2009

    Wow i have no words to describe this, this is beautiful beyond words.
    Thanks for sharing.)

  12. Cheza1982 May 06, 2009

    Copy/Paste from AP ^^

    Wow, this wallpaper really is stunning.
    I love your painting style and adding C.C. to that wallpaper instead of Suzaku was a wonderful idea. Both pics blend in fantastic. The colors are amazing and I love everything about this wallpaper.

    Highlight much deserved. Fav from me ^^
    Ah, thanks a bunch for a non-widescreen version (damn old PC)

  13. x-lawss May 06, 2009

    Wow! Looks great!

    Thanks for sharing XD

  14. sachechan May 06, 2009

    Lelouch! CC is very pretty! n this wall just like a painting!

    Love it much! XD

  15. Angi Retired Moderator May 06, 2009

    nice painting

  16. animelover901120 May 06, 2009

    This is the most beautiful Code Geass art...
    I like this art of yours..they are so beatiful...

    really thanks for sharing it

  17. MikuMasterX May 06, 2009

    Highlighted in AP and not surprisingly... highlighted here.
    This is pure awesomeness.

  18. Etherinmeria May 07, 2009

    Definitely the best work I've seen in a long time. This is fantastic!

  19. angelchan8123 May 07, 2009

    OMG! One of the best wallpapers i've seen that have both Lelouch and CC.Amazing job adding CC and her dress looks like a master piece.Loved the combination of colors. Added tofavs

  20. Bernouli Retired Moderator May 07, 2009

    WTF? Stop getting highlights, tsu! DDD8

  21. pizzahutrebel May 07, 2009

    This is incredible! Your blending of the two images was flawless, so much so that I at first thought "omg there's a version of this picture with CC around?!" And that background... I never would have GUESSED you did that all by scratch. WOW. You're extremely talented!

  22. moonescape May 08, 2009

    the only thing I can say is.... INCREDIBLE

  23. denitoo May 09, 2009

    WOOOO so cool! this wallpaper is amazing XD XD XD XD

  24. Fran Retired Moderator May 10, 2009

    I...I don't even know how to start this comment.
    D: I'm speechless.

    Perfectly done.

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