You should totally make a winter version with the bunny from Ep. 2 of second season! :D Love the watercolor effects-- it fits very nicely with spring/rain. I can't say I like this one quite as much as your other one, but it's still good.
1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
I'm supposed to finish my other WIP, but instead, I did this XD
So I was staring at this scan from Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou's ED single, (Kourin's "Hibi no Uta", which has awesome songs btw, I recommend it), and thought, "hey, this looks nice and watercolour-y, I want to repaint it in ArtRage"
So that's what I did. Repainted it in ArtRage with the marker tool, like many of my previous walls. Removed the hand because it's a bit weird (creepy XD) and random. I kept Natsume's grey manga hair because it's drawn in manga-style. Then went to openCanvas to do the lines. I wanted to look like pencil lines. btw, the texture isn't from something I added, it's from the paper texture I painted on from ArtRage
Then I remembered it's April and it's supposed to be Spring, and cherry blossoms season ('cept you wouldn't be able to tell it's Spring where I live, it's still cold right now and flowers are barely budding DX), cool, right on time XD
It's very bright.... well, pastel.. but that's the impression I get from the series (or at least the art), gentle and pastel XD
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fireflywishes Retired Moderator Apr 23, 2009
yoyojoe11 Apr 23, 2009
nice pic good job ^_^
animelover901120 Apr 24, 2009
the cat so kawaii ne....
uekinokosuke Apr 25, 2009
very nice i like it.
nanuka Dec 12, 2009
cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =X
cloudorion Apr 17, 2010
I like very much this pic, thank you! ^____^
Can I ask you if I can use it for my lj layout? If you give me permission I'll credit you, of course. -
NimirRa Aug 06, 2010
Really dreamy colors on this one.
lkmjr Aug 07, 2010
Really pretty wallpaper. Thanks!
ZakuPz Aug 21, 2010
awww i love this serie and this pic.
thx u very much.
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