
Natsume Yuujinchou Wallpaper: Springtime

Yuki Midorikawa, Brains Base, Natsume Yuujinchou, Nyanko-sensei, Takashi Natsume Wallpaper
Yuki Midorikawa Mangaka Brains Base Studio Natsume Yuujinchou Series Nyanko-sensei Character Takashi Natsume Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I'm supposed to finish my other WIP, but instead, I did this XD

So I was staring at this scan from Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou's ED single, (Kourin's "Hibi no Uta", which has awesome songs btw, I recommend it), and thought, "hey, this looks nice and watercolour-y, I want to repaint it in ArtRage"

So that's what I did. Repainted it in ArtRage with the marker tool, like many of my previous walls. Removed the hand because it's a bit weird (creepy XD) and random. I kept Natsume's grey manga hair because it's drawn in manga-style. Then went to openCanvas to do the lines. I wanted to look like pencil lines. btw, the texture isn't from something I added, it's from the paper texture I painted on from ArtRage

Then I remembered it's April and it's supposed to be Spring, and cherry blossoms season ('cept you wouldn't be able to tell it's Spring where I live, it's still cold right now and flowers are barely budding DX), cool, right on time XD

It's very bright.... well, pastel.. but that's the impression I get from the series (or at least the art), gentle and pastel XD

More resolutions at EDD

celestial-luminesse paint-o-rama simple-ism

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  1. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Apr 23, 2009

    You should totally make a winter version with the bunny from Ep. 2 of second season! :D Love the watercolor effects-- it fits very nicely with spring/rain. I can't say I like this one quite as much as your other one, but it's still good.

  2. yoyojoe11 Apr 23, 2009

    nice pic good job ^_^

  3. animelover901120 Apr 24, 2009

    the cat so kawaii ne....

  4. uekinokosuke Apr 25, 2009

    very nice i like it.

  5. nanuka Dec 12, 2009

    cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =X

  6. cloudorion Apr 17, 2010

    I like very much this pic, thank you! ^____^
    Can I ask you if I can use it for my lj layout? If you give me permission I'll credit you, of course.

  7. NimirRa Aug 06, 2010

    Really dreamy colors on this one.

  8. lkmjr Aug 07, 2010

    Really pretty wallpaper. Thanks!

  9. ZakuPz Aug 21, 2010

    awww i love this serie and this pic.
    thx u very much.

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