This wallpaper gives me calm and serenity feeling. I love the soft feeling and colors that is being applied. Great job. ;)
Gonna change my destop wallie to this!
entry #1 for round 8 of which?waller. I think this was pretty easy to guess XD
I actually found this series via which?waller. I was looking for series with less than 5 walls (which was the theme of the round), and found this one, looked up the summary 'cause I was curious, thought it was pretty interesting and decided to watch it. I ended up loving the series ^___^
This wall was kinda inspired by the style the ending to Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou (ie the sequel). I love the style they drew the ending sequence in, and wanted to try it.
Took two screencap from the first episode, and redrew it in openCanvas. I'm not sure if I achieved the effect I was going for though... oh well.
Browse Natsume Yuujinchou Gallery: Recent | Popular.
This wallpaper gives me calm and serenity feeling. I love the soft feeling and colors that is being applied. Great job. ;)
Gonna change my destop wallie to this!
Natsume Yuujin Chou is LOVE. Thanks so much for walling it! (I wish this were available in more widescreen format so I could use it as my desktop... ;))
the wall is quite nice,great job :)
It just beautiful...what more i can say...GORGEOUS
it looked great in the series, but your wallpaper looks much better
i know how much work it is to use more than one screencap for a picture^^
and jou did a great job, i espacially like the style you used^^ it looks like an aquarell picture.
I just love it
Wow! I love the style!
It's looks simple yet not simple ^_^'
Really portrays the feeling of the anime :D
Simple and beautiful :D
Give me feeling of serenity and quiet ^^
Great job XD
OMG I KNEW THIS WAS YOURS and i love you so much for making it! my fav screencap from the series by far.. except maybe a few of nyanko ^^; omg your tablet lines.. i know nothing about tablets but yours look so neat! wtf RESPECT
(.. you discovered this THROUGH w?w no way lol i thought you was featured in maigetsu before but maybe that was flyin?)
Ohh Natsume ^___^ I was waiting to see some wall when he gives back name, interesting outline, good wall! I like it!
Lol, I was so scared to do a Natsume wall since I figured everyone would guess it was me. XD So thanks for making one! This is by far my fav wall of this series on MT. I love the soft lines to it, I think you did a good job mimicing the ending style.
Oh and btw when my younger sister saw this she literally gave a fangirl squee, so I really need to go poke her and make her fav this too. XD
Yeah! I love, love, love, LOVE this wall and this series! XD Easily my fav from this round! Absolutely beautiful job with this one, Maple. And now I'm glad I did my moar plz request on Ap, because this way I'll get at least two natsume walls :)
wow, wow! fantastic...! love it >w<
(love the series ^ ^)
when I was watching the series I was always thinking that I liked this picture xD
it's great! =D
Really lovely for me too ^^ Natsume is nice, I like the drawing style and the atmosphere!
Thanks for your work :)
thx for image
Wow! ^___^ Looks simple and beautiful! This wall with Natsume ^_^ gives me calm when i'm looking on it . Great job! +fav
wow great wall i like it so beautiful =X
Takeshi is so lovely
So cute! This picture's very nice!
Absolutely gorgeous. Natsume is ridiculously good looking.
I've been looking for pic with Natsume returning the names. Thank you so much~
i feel so peace~ thanks for sharing
very very God thank you !^-^
awww i love this serie and this pic.
thx u very much.
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