
Clannad Wallpaper: Tomoya & Ushio

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Ushio Okazaki, Tomoya Okazaki, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Ushio Okazaki Character Tomoya Okazaki Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

copy from AP XD: After watching Clannad ~after story~ i really wanted to make a wall featuring Ushio & Tomoya and came across this scan
A moment at the start of their journey and building the father & daughter bond together and i don't know how anyone who has watched it didn't find Ushio simply adorable!

I really enjoyed creating the vectors though i did have abit of trouble creating their eyes but i got there in the end
Its also my first time painting a scenic background so go easy on me if the standard isn't brilliant XD im trying to improve!

Well hope you like the wall - feedback, comments & faves are always welcomed ^_^

Scan by: suemura
Timescale: 8 Days = 2 days for the background
Layers: 116
Easiest part: Ushio
Hardest: Background
Also if your interested i've put up the vector of Ushio - click
+ more resolutions go here


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  1. Bleachgirl Apr 09, 2009

    such a adorable wall!

  2. Tina18 Apr 09, 2009

    Not a Clannad fan..yet, maybe I should see the afterstory.
    Good vector, clean and smooth lines., I like the hill, and the tree good job on them.
    The clouds are ok, maybe a bit too blured, but overall it's a very good wall. Good job~

  3. Kairi-Hearts Apr 09, 2009

    ah yes, I saw this at AP but couldn't comment at that time~ >_<
    this is so lovely I was hoping someone would do that image!
    The vector is great, very smooth. And it's your first time painting a scenic bg?
    Wow, really, it looks amazing~ I love how you did the trees :3

  4. akiranyo Apr 09, 2009

    As I said on AP, is awesome.

  5. animelover901120 Apr 09, 2009


    Thanks for the share

  6. kakashim Apr 09, 2009

    I can't think of anything to say besides good job with the vector. Composition, lighting, texturing, etc are pretty much the same as the scan. Maybe changing the background scenery to something a little bit different or even the time of day (dusk, maybe) would have been nice; therefore giving the wallpaper a more unique feel from its main source (scan).

  7. ShanaFlare Apr 10, 2009

    the wall is beautiful!^^ great job on the vector :)
    awesome work!

  8. Cholie Apr 10, 2009

    Wow, another great vector of Clannad, thank you very much.

  9. Sinever Apr 11, 2009

    this wall is so PRETTY!
    I really like your neat & clean vector & the bg is simply beautiful ^^ your painting skills are amazing XD
    well done its a fav & a highlight ;)

  10. louise02 Apr 12, 2009

    i really like the colors! got it from the anime right! nice work!

  11. dokukamedesu Apr 15, 2009

    nice wallpaper!

  12. princessmeyrin023 Apr 26, 2009

    Wow, it's Tomoya and Ushio! I wish Nagisa is also there... but then let's focus to the father-daughter relationship... Nice work! It's very nice! Simple and clean. +FAV

  13. Freyanen Apr 27, 2009

    T_T ohh! thanks for this wall! Nice work!
    I love that chapter... O_O ushio is cute

  14. Sigurd-kun Apr 29, 2009

    NYAA~~~ Ne, Kawaii~

  15. Haven100 May 05, 2009

    Awesome job with the wall :D The vector looks neatly done and the background too^^ Plus Clannad is awesome^^

  16. fgakakashi Jun 27, 2009

    Awww ^^

  17. Lulu2018 Jul 08, 2009

    generally i don't like Clannad...
    but it's really beautiful wall
    great work :)

  18. hawkangel Jul 10, 2009

    so adorable! really clean and clear

  19. Tsukiyomi Jul 16, 2009

    like this wallpaper with okazaki and ushio
    great work and thx ! :D

  20. zweibo2007 Mute Member Aug 21, 2009

    nice scan

  21. chardylovesme Oct 30, 2009

    wow! father and daughter! XDXDXDXD

  22. Hikaru205 Nov 04, 2009

    Ushio so cute
    thanks for sharing this nice scan

  23. kikuchivn Nov 15, 2009

    Thanks for sharing this wally. I've always looking for Ushio wally and I think this one is the best. I've watched Clannad After Story for 4 times and it still inspires me so much in my daily life and work

  24. dan1026 Dec 26, 2009

    kawaii Ushio..!

    Cute Ushio..!


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