Although it's a spoiler for the ones that aren't folowing the manga, great pic to base a wallpaper on! Nice, simple and a great pic. What more could you ask for in a wallie :)
p.s make one of Halibel ^^
Hehe.. my friend asked me to make the wallie from that page, he likes manga-page-walls. I made it earlier but didn't upld it here, i don't know why, made cause it is to simple. Yoru asked why me that question. So I decided to upld it here.
I made some changes after that time. ORIGINAL - HERE on TheO
X-post from TheO. (for older version)
"Yeap, after big project (SOUL STYLE) that kill all my power goes simple wall that took me 10 min to make, just
edit manga page from last chapter. Add some red on mask and chest, and texturing, title and some brushes"
I hope you like it! Other sizes add soon
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Although it's a spoiler for the ones that aren't folowing the manga, great pic to base a wallpaper on! Nice, simple and a great pic. What more could you ask for in a wallie :)
p.s make one of Halibel ^^
Finally :D you really did upload it :D
mwahaahhaha :D this wall is really cool and i absolutely love it :D
excellent job :D
I really like what you did with this one..
That red line is the Pi
Wow. Love the scan, love the coloring, love the texture, love the title...all over great wall! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait until the next manga chapter is released!
merged: 04-05-2009 ~ 06:55pm
Wow. Love the scan, love the coloring, love the texture, love the title...all over great wall! Thanks for sharing. I
can't wait until the next manga chapter is released!
VERY cool! I love the vector and the light grunge-ness of it. We need more grunge!
I have been waiting so long for someone to put up a picture of Ichigo in this form... you have answered my priers! I think it looks great, a job well done :)
nice one :D
no words except..... OH MY GOD
Pure Awesomeness!
wow, great style and contrast!
Great's unique..
thansk for the share
Ichigo will always be Ichigo no matter what
is this really from bleach? uhmm xD
not care i just look awesome xD
that is some sexy ichigo :D Like it~
WoW! really! that's one AWESOME wallie!
thank you!
woah! this is NICE! ichigo just gets stronger and stronger! wooo!
I really was worried about Ichigo when that happened in the manga and then he turned into that thing. I don't even know what you would call that from other than awesome.
Wow thats so cool :)
Thankss ;)
Wow! excelent wall, direct to my ntbk :)
this ichigo's hollow form is totally amazing.. thanks for sharing !
this one is a super special awesome pic of ishida good work :D
I love Ichigo's hollow form. It looks really badass. The title totally fits. Very good looking wall. The choice of colors is very nice too.
looks great! thanks for the share
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