
Pandora Hearts Wallpaper: Night Patrol

Jun Mochizuki, Xebec, Pandora Hearts, Gilbert Nightray Wallpaper
Jun Mochizuki Mangaka Xebec Studio Pandora Hearts Series Gilbert Nightray Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I hope you have a great birthday and got many presents!

Cause I know you’re a totally PH freak I decided to make something from this series ;)
And hope you like it XD
By my other PH wall the bg was killing me but this time is the other way.
The vector was killing me.
Specifically his hair and the scarf or whatever this thing should be.
These two parts took me almost half a day (if you don’t count the breaks)
And I’m actually satisfied how it turned out XD
And I still had fun on the vector cause it’s RAVEN!
He’s soo HOT! XD
Ok…ehm…the bg wasn’t so difficult as the vector
But I still needed quite a long time to think what I should do with the bg
But it was already planned that it has to do something with outside so
I draw some ideas and decided on this one and hope you like this one XD
After I finished with everything Kit-chan gave me some suggestions how to make it better
And of course I changed it cause I thought this way too after I realized what she wrote to me ;)
But of course I didn’t understand everything what she wrote like the light suggestions
So I just guessed here if there is something wrong please tell me ;)
Ok….I think that was all what I wanted to write….

The scan I used:


AND if you want the Vector here you have it ;) :

Vector Art

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  1. YoruAngel866 Apr 04, 2009

    Thank you pulver so much, i love you love you love you :D
    I absolutely love it
    buildings are awesome and i love lights effect
    vector is fantastic :D and i must keep it on my desktop :D
    awesome so awesome, thank you pulver chan :D

  2. chrisp Apr 04, 2009

    ahh great outcome!
    i love raven and this wallpaper fits him so well!
    a really great present >.<
    keep it up ;)

  3. MoonFangs90 Apr 04, 2009

    very beautiful and really well done.. :D

  4. kuryuki Apr 04, 2009

    it's beautiful
    though the scarf bothers me a little
    u did a great job on creating the scene

  5. vitaamin Apr 05, 2009

    i think the bg needs to be darker and the highlights should be a bit more blue/orange, i think playing with the colors would give it more depth
    but anyways great job! i didnt expect anything this fast from you :D

  6. animelover901120 Apr 08, 2009

    Thanks for the sharing
    It's really good

  7. CuteSherry Aug 26, 2009

    Great vectoring of Raven ^^ Making it into a night view was really a great choice: it feels like Raven is taking a break and taking up some fresh air outside or something~
    I've been thinking about vectoring this picture myself for a while, since he is CRIMINALLY HOT in it *there should be laws against so much hotness, to preserve our sanity XD* but it came up at a time I was busy IRL and I forgot about it real fast aha~

  8. LauraLeia Nov 03, 2009

    Wow~ This is just great! ^^
    Thank you!

  9. Amymarian Jan 31, 2010

    Nice pic! Thanks for sharing!

  10. moo-poo Feb 27, 2010

    Thank you for sharing..! ^^

  11. lamthang1127 Mute Member Jul 12, 2010

    I love this anime, thanks for the beautiful wallpaper!

  12. Taiga-Aisaka Jul 17, 2010

    Nice wallpaper ^^
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. screxmo Aug 24, 2010

    Gil-kun looks so cool!

    This my fav character of Pandora ? Hearts

  14. dslover Jan 05, 2011

    Wow, wonderful
    thank you for sharing

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