
Pandora Hearts Wallpaper: Parallel Hearts

Jun Mochizuki, Pandora Hearts, Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Alice (Pandora Hearts) Wallpaper
Jun Mochizuki Mangaka Pandora Hearts Series Oz Vessalius Character Gilbert Nightray Character Alice (Pandora Hearts) Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Dedicated to kairi-heartschrisppulver15
And thanx for elite as well :D

Since i know you like them, girls :D

Title is from opening, and is quite fitting with them in meaning :D


Full sized scan i worked on is here:

clickie me :D

The vector was a pain,because of stupid reconstructions which were covered by the text(nevermind the fact that you could see the lines and everything else covered, the problem was in some parts) :( so mostly reconstructed was lower part of the image and chains up :( Made some changes and such
chains killed me, too hard and boring :(
overall i really loved the img and i wanted to do it, so i didnt mind the difficulty of the scan :D
sorry im walling ph lately but this needs more love, i say :D
Changed some colors in some places, and such :D
Used gradients everywhere, you just gotta love them :D
For background none other colors fitted so i sticked with red and black :(
Anyway i hope you like it guys, i worked hard on it :D


Layers :108
time: 15 h
funiest part: Raven :D whole :D
hardest part:Chains
program: Photoshop cs4,cs2
psd file size: 127 mb

Comments and faves are highly welcomed
-Yoru :D

edit: ok berry, i corrected them :D thanx for letting me know :D

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  1. Pulver15 Apr 04, 2009

    First comment!
    You're AMAZING!
    You're so fast and I waited for this and and....
    this is just AWESOME!
    Your reconstructed totally good and gladly you didn't let the bg so white!
    Really! Love you for this!
    you made my day with this wall!

  2. Alenas Retired Moderator Apr 04, 2009

    Oooh, colorful! And all those details in the pic...awesome job on this! XD

  3. Yamaro Apr 04, 2009

    Ou all the sait sinigamis LOL it is awesome red wall I saw O_O Don't stop imressing me with your vector skills.

    fav of course

  4. Pulver15 Apr 04, 2009

    I just realized this ava there is mine!
    Thank you so much for the dedication!
    Now I'm much more happy! XD

  5. chrisp Apr 04, 2009

    ahhh i was waiting for this <33
    you did such an amazing jooob *_* i love you T_T
    like pulver said you did a great job on the recostruction XD
    i love the background...and this one is definitive on my desktop now!
    wohoooo *dances around*

  6. MoonFangs90 Apr 04, 2009

    MORE PANDORA?! why? why? why another awesome work?
    Really beautiful, neat and I love the reconstructions :D

  7. Catoli Apr 04, 2009

    Another great Pandora Hearts wall :)

  8. Kitaan Retired Moderator Apr 04, 2009

    Pretty cute.
    The curtain could use some more shading, other
    than that I can't see anything else worth mentioning.
    Nice job.

  9. jns Apr 04, 2009

    And another great Pandora hearts wall.. I just love Alice ^^
    And I adore gradients
    great job

  10. Kairi-Hearts Apr 04, 2009

    don't worry! I have plenty of free time now so I can help you spread ph love!
    raaaaaveeeeeen <33
    sorry, fangirl moment XD
    anyways, so glad to see it here finally <3
    vectoring is great. well you already what I think of this :3
    ah yes, chains can be so boring, they take a lot of time I think, that's why >.<
    and thanks so much for the dedication! *hugs* It made me so happy ^^

  11. ShanaFlare Apr 05, 2009

    well,another awesome Pandora Hearts wall! :)
    the colours are great,thanks for sharing^^

  12. Sinever Apr 05, 2009

    girl right now I should call you PH freak XD
    you're vector is awesome *as usual* & I dont know what else to say ^^' sorry
    anyway its a fav ;)

  13. Straawbeeryy Apr 05, 2009

    Gosh, I love your use of gradient.
    Everything is really nicely done. I understand your pain about the chains. Chains = evil.
    The only thing is that I think the checkered background needs more shading. This is also a minor detail but I see leakages on Alice like on her boots, parts around her dress, and her hair.
    Otherwise, beautiful job. <3

  14. Kirieskyo Apr 05, 2009

    really nice pic..haven't seen very many of this series

  15. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Apr 06, 2009

    YOu already make the new one again?
    O_0 Suuugee
    It's very fast and the result is so awesome,another pandora><
    the chain is really hard time><
    but it's very fast
    I don't have much time right now to make any vector><so it's really going slowly
    It's really beautiful^///^ love it

  16. sshhoott Apr 06, 2009

    Wow, this is actually very clean.

    Very different from the scans. Thanks for sharing.

  17. chrisp Apr 06, 2009

    ahhhhhhhh O.O
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh O.O
    i just saw that this is for me tooooooooo O.O
    pulver told me and i was really: HEE REALLY?
    uhhh thank youuuu T_T

  18. Cholie Apr 07, 2009

    Wow....look really good. Thanks for the pic.

  19. ASH-Hikari Apr 08, 2009

    What can I say but wonderful work. I think your best work comes out with Pandora Hearts, similar to how I'd like to think mine does with Clannad. Keep it up!

  20. KiaRatT Apr 08, 2009

    wowo! su

  21. lucifersaya Apr 08, 2009

    I love the artists work
    It's so cool!hope to see more works of you
    your vector is perfect and clear as alway
    the vector really look smoothly done and very neat

  22. Isinha Apr 10, 2009

    Really good xD for the start of the series <3

  23. dokukamedesu Apr 15, 2009

    awesome work!

  24. beep13 Apr 25, 2009

    wow great paper.
    add to fav

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