
Nabari no Ou Wallpaper: Unraveling

Yuuki Kamatani, Nabari no Ou, Yoite Wallpaper
Yuuki Kamatani Mangaka Nabari no Ou Series Yoite Character

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

D: this looks NOTHING like what the idea did in my head. there wasn't supposed to be any textures, any random flying things, any typography... it was supposed to be a clean abstract-ish design centered around a smooth detailed vector. but you can barely see the details now. ha. all that went out the window when i hit a waller's block. and OMG THE JAGGEDNESS! i wanted to stab this thing...except yoite was in it so i couldn't. <3

but i admit to loving the textures. (just not the humongous psd size they caused.) and gosh, they were so random and i dug them out of odd folders here and there that i never labeled properly. if i manage to figure out what they are and where they are from, i'll add in the credits. xD;; scan courtesy of saa-chan, which i vectored and corrected for facial symmetry. the original was quite asymmetrical despite it being a full frontal view. text is all just random things that i started typing while looking at yoite's apathetic expression (and his pose too, actually, but as you can see, there isn't much of him left in the wall below the collar).

a note of thanks to jay for trying to help me out of my block.

ehh well, i'm all ears for critiques and whatnot. this is so NOT my style. :/ more (and perhaps more resolutions for this as well) at brokenTONE.


Chosen by flyindreams and Chloe

For something that wasn't suppose to look ANYTHING like this, asa00 managed to make an awesome wallpaper!
The colors and fabulous, the typography fits the wall perfectly and the "random flying things" pull the wallpaper together nicely. It looks awesome on a desktop ;D
Fabulous job, asa00!

Proposed by flyindreams and highlighted by Chloe.

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  1. lady-karen-84 Feb 27, 2009

    I think it looks cool. XD Kinda creepy as well. XD

  2. vitaamin Feb 27, 2009


    i absolutely LOVE what you've done with the scan(i had a faint suspicion this was the one you were working on) i started that scan but then never finished it because i didnt know what i wanted to do ahhh this is pure awesome. wow those shapes must have taken you forever!

    hmm i am not one to talk because i hate textures but i think it would have been cooler without the grainy texture, the light and shapes that the texture adds is cool though, so *dilemma*

    anyways -glomps asa- i heart you

  3. kuryuki Feb 27, 2009

    lol you're been so love my vitaa there
    but this wall really deserves love
    oh pshht how many people can get the perfect image from their head to screen +P
    maybe the bg could look better if cleaner
    the threads thingys are <3
    and then there's my usually admiration of people who can think of text to put

  4. kahliente10 Feb 27, 2009

    wow omg
    this is amazing and i love all the colors

  5. ShanaFlare Feb 27, 2009

    wow stunning stuff!
    the colour of the wall is awesome^^
    awesome work and thanks for sharing :D

  6. YoruAngel866 Feb 27, 2009

    Wow asa you did absolutely fantastic job on this one
    I really love the idea and colors

  7. jns Feb 27, 2009

    Great colors and great concept
    I always love how u incorporate the text

  8. Hanahanoiday Feb 27, 2009

    I love Yoite,this desing is really very original,its soo like a vista style XD.
    It looks very modern,total beautiful wallpaper!Super work,you're amazing!

  9. Chloe Retired Moderator Feb 28, 2009

    VERY nice! I love the colors, the vector and well... just look at my highlight comment!

    My ONLY problem are the textures: I dunno what it is, but it makes the vector look a little grainy. Any way to turn them down a bit?

  10. vitaamin Feb 28, 2009

    i am crazy happy this got highlighted, and seriously it does look so much more phenomenal on the desktop than it does on the gay ie screen so i demand everyone set it as their desktop D<

  11. kuryuki Feb 28, 2009

    congrats on the highlight
    lol i just realized this was my screensize but MT made it look so small on full view

  12. Shichiroi Feb 28, 2009

    Yoite! <3

  13. DreamyDoll Feb 28, 2009

    I think it looks really cool! Maybe not exactly what you'd wanted but it still looks so amazing! I actually like all the floaty words and textures o.o <33

  14. happyoyster Feb 28, 2009

    I really love it! It's beautiful and very stylish! Thank you very much for sharing!

  15. weeheng Mar 01, 2009

    Yoite .he's the quiet, cool looking guy and i have to admit you potrayed this wall of him very well ...except
    that ...he looks abit mature ?or older .

  16. garnetyuna Mar 01, 2009

    Yoite TwT It's so beautiful and you did a very good job! great, great! <3

  17. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Mar 03, 2009

    I agree with flyin and Chloe... this DOES look awesome on a desktop. The overall composition of the piece (to me) sums up Yoite perfectly... Great work!

  18. priincess Mar 05, 2009


  19. jcdshum Mar 05, 2009

    awesome!...although i was sad when he dissapeared T_T...

  20. solarsunspark420 Mar 09, 2009

    amazing. I like this one very much.

  21. lena100 Mar 19, 2009

    Thanks for a good job!

  22. shigeru5 Apr 11, 2009

    colors are great love the use of lines
    really good work

    merged: 04-11-2009 ~ 07:26pm
    i was looking at this more and i really like what you did with his eyes they look so good

  23. Princekt May 28, 2009


  24. Samabel Jun 03, 2009

    I love it.
    Colors, your idea, his look, eyes, hair ... just wonderful.
    Cheers :)

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