
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Sexy Hibari

Akira Amano, Artland, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Kyoya Hibari, Vector Art
Akira Amano Mangaka Artland Studio Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Series Kyoya Hibari Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Character: Hibari Kyoya
Image scanned by madao1020

About the vector
Layers: 90
Difficult part: His tie!
Time that I spent vectoring: 1 week and a half

I don't own this character, neither the manga. They were created by ©Amano Akira. I just vector Hibari for fun <3

Maan, this is my 2nd vector and it's about Hibari-kun (I just started to love him after episode sixty and something ) and I have to say that it was... not to easy... neither to difficult O.o but still I had fun vectoring him.

Like my first vector (the one about Dino) this is not a masterpiece, I still need to be more patient and all that stuff, but I still loved how he ended lol

You are free to use this vector in graphics, but please, tell me first and give me credits for it >///<

Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Personaje: Hibari Kyoya
Imagen scanneada por madao1020

Acerca del vector
Capas: 90
Parte mas dificil: Su corbata!
Tiempo que le dedique al vector: 1 semana y media

Ni el personaje ni el manga me pertenecen, fueron creados por ©Amano Akira. Lo unico que hice fue vectorear a Hibari por pura diversion <3

Este es mi 2do vector y no es nada mas que Hibari-kun heart: (a este mono lo ame en uno de los episodios que empezaba por el 60 ) y he de decir que ni fue facil... mucho menos dificil, pero aun asi como me diverti haciendolo (y batallando con su corbata ¬¬*)

Al igual que el vector de Dino (el 1ero que hice *-*) este tampoco es una obra maestra ni nada por el estilo, aun me falta mucho que aprender y la paciencia... mucha paciencia... pero que rayos! yo aun asi amo como termino xD

Eres libre de utilizar este vector en graficos, pero recuerda primero avisarme y por favor, dame creditos! >///<

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  1. christabel92 Feb 22, 2009

    I sure wish this was bigger...some lines seem too sharp,as like in the previous vector of yours,but it's quite nice overall...
    keep it up!

  2. babydensity Feb 23, 2009

    Awesome vector! So Hot! X3

  3. Pulver15 Feb 23, 2009

    yeah the lines are somehow sharb but
    I think you improved and I love the way hibari is here XD
    Keep it up ;)
    I think you will be better and better

  4. lucifersaya Feb 23, 2009

    I love the artists work
    It's so cool!

  5. kuryuki Feb 23, 2009

    <3 smexy!
    can u provide orignal link to scan too?

  6. icegaze7 Mar 03, 2009

    omg. so hot. great job with this vector!

  7. vampiresiberian Apr 28, 2009

    he's so great!
    thanks for sharing!

  8. kahoko May 14, 2009

    Sexy indeed. Nice vector! :D

  9. Sellenee Oct 27, 2009

    Too good! Too sexy! Ah, I die ^ ^

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