Oh wow! This version look better than previous ones! The lights effects, glitter... fits the character more! Great job! >.<
Artist Comment
Some people may find this is another version of a previous X1999 wall I submitted the other day.in fact I have deleted
the early version(but I keep it in my album,you can find it by clicking the link below,for those who may think the
previous one is better)Early version
Exactly why I decided to make another version, and delete the early one I submitted,was that a couple of days ago,my
sister came and I showed my wall to her,she said this vector (made out of this image:screensnapshould match a dark background,just
like the screensnap, I looked at it again and again and thought she was right,so I remade the wall,and after it was
done,I think the present one is better.
The background didn't take me as much time as the previous one,but I think it turns out better,a jet of stars and
light streams match the couple better,I think.First I made the whole background dark blue,and then used color burn tool
and color dodge tool to make some part darker and some lighter,then I made the brushes(stars),the bubbles were added
with s brush I got from This website
the light streams were made by the combination of default brush,Gauss blue,Motion blur and transform tool.
Thanks for those who bothered to comment and fav on the previous one,hope this one would satisfy you more.
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EevaLeena Feb 22, 2009
icegaze7 Feb 22, 2009
thanks for sharing!
jaymac Aug 06, 2009
Yes, I have to agree with everyone else. I have downloaded both this version and the version before it and I can agree that this version is the better of the two.
Danajj Dec 16, 2009
wooooow thats really a gooooooooooooood one ;)
scandalousy Mute Member Jun 01, 2010
he only issue i see with it is that the lines of the castle's roof have pixelated, and look more like stairs.
ayekun Mute Member Aug 06, 2010
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!
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