IT'S MERLIN! Who else thinks Merlin is one of the funny side characters of Kingdom Hearts?
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... MERLIN-SAN I LOVE YOU. *full view please*
If you use this (and I'd love to see someone elses' concept), be sure to link back credit to me!
I found this scan - Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee by angelpup1419 - some time ago, and was like "OMG, MERLIN YES PLEASE!" and decided I would do something with it. Originally, I was going to vector the whole scan, then when I began I was like I'll do Cid and Merlin, but, somewhere along the road, Cid and Merlin became Merlin. I finished the Merlin vector and was satisfied with it. It just took me forever to figure out what to do with him, once I scratched both Squall and Cid out of the scan.
Inspiration: Kingdom Hearts and Merlin (for being so awesome), and I listened to "My Idea of Fun" from The Swan Princess.
And... I painted over Merlin a little bit, as you can see.
So thanks for the watching! Comments/favorites adored!
Sankyuu for the support + feel free to use ~
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Anticipher Feb 16, 2009
Nubes May 05, 2010
ahahhahahahah! This is the story of King Arthur! Merlin! SO sweettttttt! I didnt know he appeared in the Kingdom Hearts series! Love this wall!
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