
Kingdom Hearts: Merlin, the Amazing

Shiro Amano, Kingdom Hearts, Merlin, Vector Art
Shiro Amano Mangaka Kingdom Hearts Game Merlin Character Vector Art Source


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... MERLIN-SAN I LOVE YOU. *full view please*

If you use this (and I'd love to see someone elses' concept), be sure to link back credit to me!

I found this scan - Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee by angelpup1419 - some time ago, and was like "OMG, MERLIN YES PLEASE!" and decided I would do something with it. Originally, I was going to vector the whole scan, then when I began I was like I'll do Cid and Merlin, but, somewhere along the road, Cid and Merlin became Merlin. I finished the Merlin vector and was satisfied with it. It just took me forever to figure out what to do with him, once I scratched both Squall and Cid out of the scan.

Inspiration: Kingdom Hearts and Merlin (for being so awesome), and I listened to "My Idea of Fun" from The Swan Princess.

And... I painted over Merlin a little bit, as you can see.

So thanks for the watching! Comments/favorites adored!

Sankyuu for the support + feel free to use ~

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  1. Anticipher Feb 16, 2009

    IT'S MERLIN! Who else thinks Merlin is one of the funny side characters of Kingdom Hearts?

  2. Nubes May 05, 2010

    ahahhahahahah! This is the story of King Arthur! Merlin! SO sweettttttt! I didnt know he appeared in the Kingdom Hearts series! Love this wall!

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