I love simplicity in this wall.
i especially like clouds XD and i love the use of textures on this one. Very nice job XD
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So here's the other entry for which?waller Round 7
This was a quickie, cause I had not that much of time as I made it near the deadline. Indeed, two walls in less than a week.. I think I was being extra motivated to enter although I had a few days left. Anyway, textures made everything easier than I expected. Those yummy clouds are vectored from my drawing because I don't think I have a fitting stock or able to straightly vector them without reference. And I updated with some trail thingies and sparkles behind the board. I don't think I'm being obvious with this (esp. with the purple-y tone), but maybe people noticed my clouds. :\
Vector of Renton was done by Ritalin but I had to extend it abit, plus textures and dust brush from DA! and Bashcorpo.
I'll add more resolutions at EDD! whenever I feel free.
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YoruAngel866 Feb 09, 2009
Onikyou Banned Member Feb 09, 2009
A beautiful and very dynamic wall, thanks for sharing it! :)
Tifa-chan Feb 09, 2009
great wallpaper!
I love Eureka Seven *-* the clouds are very nice! -
akaonda Restricted Member Feb 10, 2009
excelent wallpaper
MapleRose Retired Moderator Feb 10, 2009
Yeah, purple of not, the clouds give you away XD That, and the texture. the additional trails look nice and interesting =D
animelover901120 Feb 10, 2009
cool...simple and plain....my fav
Piccolobear Feb 18, 2009
Yep, cloud and texture gave you away...but here's a little something you might be happy to hear - when MyrrhLynn asked me which was my favourite wall from this round, I said that would have to be no.8! If Tama had entered a wall in this round, I probably would have guessed this as hers. This is a simple but really well-made little wall, pure style! XD
Chloe Retired Moderator Feb 22, 2009
The textures are awesome, clouds look fab and I love the colors and simplicity! Great job!
Hakimichan Oct 06, 2009
I love the off-center angle of this, it's really cool :) And it's friggin Renton omg. XD <333 TOO COOL! The light colorscheme was an excellent choice as well. Very, very well done!
Isinha Jun 04, 2010
Well-made wallie ^^ Renton is so cool in this one!
Zirbat Feb 11, 2011
The textures are awesome, clouds look fab and I love the colors and simplicity
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