Tyki wants to know if you'd like one lump or two with your tea. Me, I'll take two!
So, I was working on a Gundam 00 wallpaper, but had a bit of a stumble on what
to do with the background. Then I saw a scan of Tyki and Road and knew pretty much what I wanted it to look like so I
started walling it :) !
This wall was a ton of fun because I could play mini designer or something. I can really go on and on about all the
different things in this wall, but it would make for a long, boring read X-P . So, I'll just talk about a couple of
I vectored and painted everything in the wall. The floor was a bit of a pain, and it took me a while to figure out the
perspective of it (don't know if that is the right term), but this wall had a lot to do with perspective for me,
and learning how to use the transform tool to make things look like they're on what they're on. I did re-use
some damask patterns I vectored for my Parakiss wall, but the one on Tyki's chair I vectored a damask
design on my binder.
The tea service was inspired from a set from Anthropologie, but I designed the tea cups myself, which was a lot of
For the furniture, I found images through google image search, though I did tweak them to fit what I wanted, used
different "fabric" for the chair. For the bench under the window, I just used the legs of an image and made
everything else up.
Here are the anime scans that I used:
Tyki and Road: thanks
Cake tray: Thanks Pulver15
Box of candies: Thanks ykishige966
For the painting I used a beautiful painting from John White
I did use some decorative brushes from deviantart.com, I would like to link to them, but deviantArt is not working for
me atm.
Time: About a month (on and off)
Program: PS CS2
Layers: over 500 (I'm a layer freak)
Favorite part: doing the cake tray, yum!
Least favorite part: the floor
Well, I hopes you like it :D