
D Gray-Man Wallpaper: One lump or two?

Katsura Hoshino, TMS Entertainment, D Gray-Man, Tyki Mikk, Road Kamelot Wallpaper
Katsura Hoshino Mangaka TMS Entertainment Studio D Gray-Man Series Tyki Mikk Character Road Kamelot Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


Tyki wants to know if you'd like one lump or two with your tea. Me, I'll take two!

So, I was working on a Gundam 00 wallpaper, but had a bit of a stumble on what to do with the background. Then I saw a scan of Tyki and Road and knew pretty much what I wanted it to look like so I started walling it :) !

This wall was a ton of fun because I could play mini designer or something. I can really go on and on about all the different things in this wall, but it would make for a long, boring read X-P . So, I'll just talk about a couple of things.

I vectored and painted everything in the wall. The floor was a bit of a pain, and it took me a while to figure out the perspective of it (don't know if that is the right term), but this wall had a lot to do with perspective for me, and learning how to use the transform tool to make things look like they're on what they're on. I did re-use some damask patterns I vectored for my Parakiss wall, but the one on Tyki's chair I vectored a damask design on my binder.

The tea service was inspired from a set from Anthropologie, but I designed the tea cups myself, which was a lot of fun.

For the furniture, I found images through google image search, though I did tweak them to fit what I wanted, used different "fabric" for the chair. For the bench under the window, I just used the legs of an image and made everything else up.

Here are the anime scans that I used:
Tyki and Road: thanks lenaleeli
Cake tray: Thanks Pulver15
Box of candies: Thanks ykishige966

For the painting I used a beautiful painting from John White Alexander

I did use some decorative brushes from deviantart.com, I would like to link to them, but deviantArt is not working for me atm.

Time: About a month (on and off)
Program: PS CS2
Layers: over 500 (I'm a layer freak)
Favorite part: doing the cake tray, yum!
Least favorite part: the floor

Well, I hopes you like it :D

vector-wallers vectory

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  1. vitaamin Jan 27, 2009

    omg i want to say "this must have taken you forever" but, well it did take you a long time. i admire your patience soooo much. the floor looks awesome, with the reflection and all. i love how clean and sharp this looks. the only thing i can possibly suggest change is the color of their faces, they seem a bit too dark/highlights are a bit too yellow for the whiteness of the light coming from above, but thats rather nitpicky.

    gosh the details are so superb!

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Jan 27, 2009

    Wow! Such a smooth piece! The vectoring is very very neat and the details are awesome 0_0

  3. YoruAngel866 Jan 27, 2009

    This is so full of awesome details. Im really impressed and everything is just so great.
    I think this should be highlight, cause the wall is perfect.Awesome job

  4. NikoxLoulis Jan 27, 2009

    It's perfect! Great job.. One day I will be like you! XD

  5. anit4e Jan 27, 2009

    Waaaa just look at all those details! O_O
    Just perfect...dunno what else to say *_*
    Amazingly done job! ;)

  6. tsuki-akari Jan 27, 2009

    OMG! XD this is awesome!
    so many details. your vector is very neat
    i love the floor so much, the perspective looks great
    this must have take you a long time! :D

  7. kuryuki Jan 27, 2009

    not sure what else to say other that great job done!
    =D hope to see more from u

  8. lilmaggie22 Jan 28, 2009

    ^^THIS Is so pretty. Although the first thing i noticed was that huge plate of cakes(im hungry now). It really reminds me on the ones we see in Kuroshitsuji! BUt its so pretty! Especially the whole room. It looks real, and all the small details and texture that i can find to the wall, the chair and the pillows! I am really amazed how you can take various pictures from everywhere and integrate it in one wall. (this all sounds so confusing since ive never tried vectoring etc...)

  9. Midare13 Jan 28, 2009

    wow... awesome work... now I feel like I can't do nothing at ps XD

    love the prespective and the lights... and the details on the furniture are perfect. As the person here above my post said, it looks so real

    kudos to you for such awesome work :D

  10. akira-sophia Jan 28, 2009

    I want cake now.

    it's so detailed, maybe you could consider interior design as a career path...it really suits the characters.

    (Tyki <3)

  11. christabel92 Jan 28, 2009

    Wow,this wall is amazing...so detailed...and it has Tyki on it...yay...
    fantastic job :)

  12. Sinever Jan 28, 2009

    this work of yours is simply awesome :D its so detailed & look like an original scan :)
    well done & its a highlight :)

  13. Susan-chan Jan 28, 2009

    thaanx! awsome! glad to see such great dgrayman wallpapers <3 furthermore: tikki is one of my fav characters :3

  14. A-Chan01 Jan 28, 2009

    Man the amount of detail you have put into this is amazing! It looks perfrect! Awsome job! *two thumbs up* XD

  15. areszina Jan 28, 2009

    tkank you!
    fantastic job :D

  16. SiJay Jan 30, 2009

    ur a genius of perspective!

  17. jns Jan 30, 2009

    WOW! So many details! I especially love that flower vase on the table
    I admire your patience to create all those details! And the floor looks so real
    With all those sweet Road has I really feel like eatin a chocolate now!

  18. yutakafair Jan 30, 2009

    tyki esta realmente guapo en la pic *O*

  19. trofikabinet Jan 30, 2009

    This wall is soo detailed and wonderful! :)
    I love it very much!

  20. EevaLeena Jan 31, 2009

    OMG! This is one awesome wallpaper! The detailness is so impressive and you got great patience! Gotta love this!

  21. MissLi Jan 31, 2009

    Haha! Amazing! :D

  22. Boux Feb 01, 2009

    beautiful! well done.

  23. Rpgiste Feb 01, 2009

    tkank you!

  24. Elves Feb 02, 2009

    Your attention to detail is amazing! O_O I can't believe that you created every single thing - I think if I had to do that I would have gone crazy. ^_^'
    I love the floor; it turned out very well.

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