another cool wallie from u =D
..for some reason the preview make kid really flat
Artist Comment
Wow, it's been a little over 4 months since I'm submitted something! Been busy busy busy~
Anywho, got the scan
from AP, vectored the outline and guns in Photoshop and painted the rest it in Sai (which is awesome. Must. Use. More!).
The background is the single crappiest thing I've ever done. I really wanted to wall the image I worked hard on, so
I came up with that bg. It's really dark on purpose so that you can't really see WHAT it is... I just kinda
did whatever.
It's sort of like when you're singing a song and you get to a part where you don't know the words so you
kinda mumble along until you get back on track. =D? Focus on Kid!
I changed one of his fingers to make him use one of his pistols (Patty? Liz?) The other hand had just finished shooting... so it's like in between shots. The lighting is all messed up on the guns D:
Time: about 2 days
Layers: 40 +
Textures from DA!
Title comes from one of the songs from the OST: Death The Kid (So Crazy)
Comments and suggestions welcome!
More resolutions available at EDD!
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kuryuki Jan 26, 2009
Fran Retired Moderator Jan 26, 2009
Ok...seriously. How the heck do I paint using SAI ;__;. I've tried but I can't.
Meh, I'm totally jealous of your painting D:
The outlines turned out perfectly, as always Chloe. And I love the way you changed his finger.
It's amazing. Period.
merged: 01-26-2009 ~ 04:44am
Are you gonna upload the .png? -
DarthTofu Jan 26, 2009
Mm, sai is fun. <3 Damn macs... *shakes fist* Though I'm such an oekaki whore it doesn't matter to me as much that macs have shitty free programs. >_> I'll stop complaining.
The finger change is cool in concept, but the way it bends is a little funky...
Overall looks really cool. <3 -
janicehamtaro Jan 26, 2009
Yay! Death the Kid!
xay09 Jan 26, 2009
death the kid looks awesome here
seventhsequence Jan 26, 2009
DEATH THE KID! nice choice of subject. Another epic portrayal of an underrated character; hope this reels in more buzz for him! \(>0<)/
weeheng Jan 26, 2009
love the background and BANG effects .(pink thingy )
he looks cool in this one.death the kid, that is .
JeffJak Jan 26, 2009
KID! OMG.. i love this wallpaper..
YoruAngel866 Jan 26, 2009
This is absolutely greatly done! Vector is perfect, and i love the coloring on it. Especially the blast from the gun. Fantastic job!
CaMiLi Jan 26, 2009
another superb wall of chloe-chan ^^ .. the lines are very neat and clean, the textures add a nice feeling and all those effects are tunning :D perfect job ! want to see mooore ^^
shadowangel4247 Jan 27, 2009
I love how you did the gun flares.
It's very beautiful and kid is looking cool as ever~ <3 -
Blackflower86 Jan 27, 2009
I love, love, LOVE this wallpaper! Death the Kid is probably my favorite character from Soul Eater (his behavior reminds me of a certain ex-roommate of mine). I especially love the gun flare effects: very nice, indeed. +fav
tsuki-akari Jan 27, 2009
WOW! this wall is really cool XD
the outlines are perfect
i love the textures and the colors soo much :D -
vitaamin Jan 27, 2009
howwww did you make that gunfire *_* im trying to draw fire/glowing shitz right now and failing epically.
i know sai is so awesome, although i can only paint err sky backdrops with it.
and well i'm glad you kept the bg the way it is because it looks much better this way.
this is so totally badass!
Sayori-chan Jan 27, 2009
Great wallpaper! Death the Kid is my favourite character from Soul Eater.
Catbind Jan 28, 2009
I love this wallpaper! You did a great job! Thank you for the upload!
Koboshi93 Jan 28, 2009
kidddd ! he is my favorite chara from soul eater and your wall is great
flyindance Jan 29, 2009
very well done
great pose
I luv how the gun goes -
merunesu Jan 31, 2009
Death the Kid is very coooool!
nice job! Thanks! -
animelover901120 Feb 01, 2009
great one...thanx for the sharing....well done pal
anji Feb 02, 2009
I like this one!
The lightning may be a bit odd, but still looks nice.
I like the texture a lot and the composition overall.
I think the background fit just right, we don't need something flashy all the time.
Thanks for sharing Chloe-chan ;) -
LibranCCY Feb 02, 2009
Awesome! it's DTK!
Katzenoir Feb 03, 2009
It's so wonderful!, great perspective, I love it, thanks!
Kidzuki Feb 06, 2009
I really like it! Great work^_^ Thank you for sharing!
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