your painting is so fantastic *_* although the bg kind of empty but i cant think of anything better
great job as always, esp on painting her clothes, its alot more distinct than your previous work XD
this wall is dedicated to: , , , :D *girls hope you love it*
okay I know what all of you are thinking right now ^^' Im sorry........I Love VK so much & I cant stop myself from making more VK walls T_T *sorry, please bear with me*
I wanted to vector this
picture of yuuki long time ago & when volume 9 was out I found a complete black & white version of it :D I
traced down the outlines from that picture & colored it with the help of the first picture :) & as for the bg I
used this version
of the same pic. I extended the bg & did my best to make it look good & detailed enough :D
the wall looked like this
when it was over, it was way too simple & unattractive to me so I though of adding lighting to the wall to give more
life to it :) I hope it looks good ^_^'
as for my next wallie, its going to be another VK wall ^_^' *dont throw tomatoes on me*
thanks everyone for your sweet comments, favs, love & support :D without you
Sin-chan is nothing :)
Browse Vampire Knight Gallery: Recent | Popular.
your painting is so fantastic *_* although the bg kind of empty but i cant think of anything better
great job as always, esp on painting her clothes, its alot more distinct than your previous work XD
OMG you've vectored yuuki with that scan...one word: WOW!
vector is gorgeous XD
i love the background so much! XD
Thanks so much for the dedication sin-chan! ^^
this is just O.O making me speechless!
i love the vector and the background looks just great!
i love the smooth colors and..just everything!
thanks so much T_T
Oh gosh, what are you talking about? I bet everyone here demands more vk from you. :3
I just love the smoothness and the softness of you shading. Everything else is of course, beautiful.
A gorgeous Kaname wall? I much rather see Zero instead (but Kaname is delicious too). :3
Aw, my poor Zero. D:
I very like this picture :) *.* :D
New amazing work!Great,really))
*is a kaname freak*
<3 love you!
i was waiting for you to make a kaname wall... i really was... or better to say i was hoping... lol...(we kaname fans
don't get much, but why?)
and for yuuki, don't know what to say except that it's perfect xD
it's so nice to have a talented vk freak around
*Another new amazing work. I like the simple white bg because I can focus more to Yuuki. I'm looking forward to the next project... Kaname and Yuuki forever (>_<)*
Good job><
Yuki is very cooool...
The wallpaper is wonderful...Thank you for your vectoring^^
really amazing wall
Hey... You finished so fast >.<
One day, your gallery is going to be filled with all the VK works you did... :nya:
I know that you will never stop making VK wallpapers XD
Sometimes your wallpapers makes me think thta you like Yuuki more than Zero ^_^' However I know that it's
false X-P
About the wallpaper...
I really like that the wallpaper is not complicated. The wallpaper seemed really focused on Yuuki :)
And I love the vines on her scythe~ Can't stop looking at it X-P
<3 <3 Love this wallpaper~
Can't wait to see your next and next next wallpaper~ Quickly finish them! :D
Waah, totally using this one now. *o* It's wonderful!
And I am SO looking forward to your next Kaname wallpaper. <333
i like it. simple and yet attractive XDD
It's my current desktop now xDD
WOOOW *_* u r awsome and of course again an amazing vectorwally :3 <3
and I'M LOOKING FORWARD to your NExt wally:3 ( Kaname senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3)
well done... XD XD nice job...
i should murder the preview!
the full view was so nice <3
you did such a great job on this!
it's amazing from scans like that!
XD why tomatos, more like flowers
your vk walls are awesome!
Gorgeous! I'm speechless...a wonderful wallpaper indeed!
Thank you for vectoring!
Really good wallpaper
I like it =3
Wah, for me too? >.< Arigatou!
Do I even have to tell you this is beautiful? :P Your ability to vector manga pics, especially VK, always amazes me! It
looks perfect, and I like the background! It's simple but flawless and the little details are just wonderful. And
this wall is perfect for me to use right now since I just finished watching Guilty yesterday and hope to catch up with
the manga soon ^^
Hey don't worry about making lots of VK walls, I have the same problem with Clannad ne XD Sometimes you just
can't help it!
Wah, Kaname's next? *Loves Kaname* I can't wait!
Thanks so much for the dedication with this lovely wall Sin-chan, I really appreciate since I don't even deserve it
really ^^ *Hugs*
Aw, this wallie is awesome.Vampie Yuuki = win
Eh... EH!?! Y-you dedicated this to me too?! I've.... never had anything dedicated to me before... *touched* Thank you so much, Sin-sama! ^^ I'm... ah... really not sure how to respond... *waves hand*
I'm sorry I've been so lazy with traslation lately! DX I'll make it up to you, I promise!
Beautiful wallpaper! I can't wait until you release the Kaname wallpaper! *squeals in anticipation*
Is Amazing! Beauty VectorWALL11
IS a precious pureBlood Vampire"
in this vector Yuki looks more Old! Sexy!
!I loves the uniform! THE LINES ARE sO gOOD!
im WAIT! fOR tHE gORGERUS! Kaname-senpai! Vectorwall! Kya!
Kaname-Fangirls! Soo Happy!
ohh god! need to finish mine! ohh....geez, its so pretty and sweet and thanks, i need to finish mine.(i havent done any vk walls yet. ) see ya around
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