Good work but its a bit too bright for the desktop... keep it up!

1152x864 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Collected these images of Galaxia on the net over the years. Took me an hour to cut it all out and two more hours to
redo the BG. hopefully it's BLURRY enough for ya.
sorry, I'm in a bad mood. Stress is getting to me :P
:x :x
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Kayote Jan 20, 2009
LunaTsukino Jan 27, 2009
I liked the colors and background, but the short images seen a bit low resolution for me...
Still a good wallpaper, it's rare to find some Galaxia stuff around...Keep sharing your work with us! o/
99-cells Mar 05, 2009
I live that avatar of yours "my fandom is older than dirt"
Seiba Aug 11, 2010
the first time I saw her I thought of saint seiya lol
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