Very pretty wallpaper
good job
1920x1200 Wallpaper
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Happy New Year! [2009]
This is the first wallpaper I've finished in the 2009 season and its still January!
I started this wallpaper back in '07 for my Mom. It was pretty plain back then but I didn't know what I was doing but she loved most of it anyways. Except the 'white' ground it had. It messed with her icons. So, last year in the Christmas wall making of '08. I got the wall back out and started to work on it bit by bit.
I first started off with changing it from 'standard' to 'wide' screen since she and I both have
wide screen now. It took a little of this and a little of that to finally see where the wall was going. Which means that
by the day or so after Christmas it hit me, right in the heart. 'The Spirit of Christmas'. That's what I
wanted everyone to see and feel out of this wall. And I hope you do. Even though the day we call 'Christmas'
was over. The Spirit of the Reason still lived on. It never died. For I felt more in the Christmas Spirit after the day.
That I could of started jumping on roof tops and shouting for joy!
But I decided to translate it into this wallpaper. Aren't you glad. *^_^*heh. Anyways, this wallpaper took a few
brushes from DA; a few tricks with granite and such; some good ol' GIMP know how; and some re-extracting; and some
re-color fixing; Oh, and a lot more snow!
So, once I came to a point where I thought it was good enough. I went back to Mom, whom I created this for in the first place to see what she thought. And still the 'snow' was still to 'snow white'. So, I added a layer and dimmed it down of the 'blue' and she was right. It just made it all click. She's so smart I tell you. *^^*heh
But then I got some kind rejections from AP and modified the 'ground' a bit. Which does look better but for some reason still isn't good enough for them but I couldn't tell you what they want me to do to change it. But that's beside the point! Just like it was only 48 layers.
So, here is an early present in the '09 and for many more years to come!
Enjoy and remember.... A Child Was Born...
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MoonangelTsubasA Jan 12, 2009
Alfredosanchez Jan 13, 2009
Lovely, I can use it next year.
We need more MKR walls! -
fatalattacker09 Nov 04, 2009
they are the coolest girl group ever in an anime!
Lunabell21 Jan 23, 2010
It's a really beautiful wallpaper. I'm faving it. ^_^
Serena12 Jan 16, 2011
Super lindo tu wallpaper
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