
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Stolen February

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Kairi, Roxas, Sora Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Kairi Character Roxas Character Sora Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I stole february. another wall for my dearest cousin!his name is plastered there. i miss him so much!(i meant that i miss teasing him. he speaks English but he cant understand tagalog..) his birthday is on February. and the title stands out,i guess. hehe..the title is actually a childrens' book i made when i was in the 6th grade.(the story is about two children trying to pass the boring days of break being adventurous led them to a place where magical beings roamed. they were told that were the children in the prophecy that would save this world when the dark raised.as they stayed longer, they become old and each day, they play a different role. as the days passed they become more old at the end of the month, they were adults. and the darkness came. and so on and so fort..)
okay, enough with the explaining of the story. this is a wall that i vector(resized and so on-) cause i promised my cousin i would do this. (vector the thing.) and i changed a lot of things. i added the eyes and changed the colors. (there are 3 things in my mind when i was doing this: CHERRY, ORANGE AND GRAPES!
Yeah, the colors i used are based on those fruits. i really love it.
also it finally reached the filesize of 100+ and 70 layers in total. ( i have no idea why your layers are going crazy. my outline layer has 2-5 shapes. i wonder why you guys are going crazy with layers and why your psd file is so big...hmmmmmmmm)
vector will be submitted later... so just comment and fave as much as you want! I APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE voice and critique.
hope you like it.

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  1. Sakura-Dust Jan 10, 2009

    I do think the wall would look better is the characters weren't upside down.
    Except that, I love the way it looks, especially their hair and eyes <3

  2. christabel92 Jan 10, 2009

    I kinda agree with Sakura-Dust on this one...
    But I love the wall,and the colors,you really have a unique style for walling :)
    Nice work again,clara-chan XD

  3. Angelfallen Jan 10, 2009

    One word: Majestic!

  4. melymay Jan 11, 2009

    I love how Kairi's hair turned out. It looks really cool XD

  5. Koboshi93 Jan 12, 2009

    I love the simple colors the pic is good

  6. eternallegend Jan 14, 2009

    I like the simple look of your wall, the interesting idea and the composition are nicely done :) The colours are nice and blend well with each other :D nice wall ^^

  7. Sinever Jan 16, 2009

    to be honest this is one of the best kingdom hearts wallpaper I have ever seen :D
    the simple look & the lovely colors are amazing :)
    well done & its a highlight ;)

  8. limeic Jan 17, 2009

    I love the way you did the wall. :) Simple, yet elegant style.
    The concept is really interesting!

  9. kahliente10 Jan 17, 2009

    luv it

  10. spacedead Jan 30, 2009

    This is a great Kingdom Hearts wall, a simple but pleasing design

  11. tennistensai Jan 31, 2009

    omg... what did you do! this is soooo perfect~~ do you mind if I want to make a macbook skin (personal use only) out of this? It's soooo amazing! 4 thumbs up! lolz..

  12. Hisuke Mar 18, 2009

    Thanks for sharing
    It's so cute

  13. MichiyoMakino Apr 25, 2009

    The idea of putting a picture into the keyblade isn't very original nowadays, but I very much like the colours used and the angle. Very interesting indeed.

  14. selemental Banned Member May 02, 2009

    awesome KH wallie! ;D *instant favs* It's simple yet extravagant in itself because it's like a collaboration reflected in the key! great theme!

  15. gohan451 Jun 06, 2009

    so cool i like it thx you so much

  16. StrawberryxXxIchigo Sep 18, 2009

    OMG, thats so cool! ^^ love it.

  17. Raain Sep 19, 2009

    This is LOOOVE. It quite simple looking which is perfect for my desktop xD
    The colour scheme is pretty too. Ahh. Tis' is amazing xD

  18. mapigauacu Sep 27, 2009

    the coolest thing is the angle and the use of colors.I like these peculiarities a lot!very good job! ;)

  19. pillsbury15 Oct 24, 2009

    holy heall this wallpaper is of da wall

  20. ilovejj Nov 24, 2009

    Oooo, I like this :D Thanks for sharing ^^

  21. ALSA7ER Mar 09, 2010

    Nice ... Thx For The Sharing ^^

  22. odst01 Mar 11, 2010

    i liked this picture alot!

  23. pl94 Mute Member Apr 10, 2010

    Awesome Kingdom Hearts wallie!
    thanks for sharing! =3

  24. Pawboots May 07, 2010

    Love this wallpaper. The only comment is why are Kairi's eyes the only ones that are faded out completely. It would have been cool if you outlined them like you did for Sora and Roxas. Otherwise really nice job.

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