
Clannad Wallpaper: .:Midnight Party:.

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Kotomi Ichinose, Akio Furukawa, Fuko Ibuki Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Kotomi Ichinose Character Akio Furukawa Character Fuko Ibuki Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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BIG big description ahead!Sorry about that!

entry for cafe-TB
Dedicated to:Erikamirou, Kitten, ASH-Hikari, Xianghua, LilLaoRyo704, Omone, EevaLeena, YoruAngel866, minamiyukihimenonaka, Abul, Straawbeerryy, Vitaamin, Sinever, Moonfangs90, Christabel92, CosmoStar, rika23 and also to Tsuki-Akari since her b-day's coming up ^_^
Merry Christmas to all!
Hope you spend a really nice day alongside your family/friends/most important people, eat a lot, get nice presents, etc...I'm really not good at these kind of messages though... ^_^'
anhfgaj! I FINISHED IT! My computer and I almost died doing this. It felt like forever, though it was extremely fun to do. I love drawings clothes and this project gave me that chance :3
Despite not liking my works lately, I still went ahead and did my best to finish this. Some lines ended up being rushed though since I was afraid of not finishing on time...
I did a quick sketch of everyone's outfits and stupid background. Yes, never mind the ugliness of that sketch, I've only started using my tablet recently.
About the presents they're holding...That was the main idea of this whole Project. When I first thought of using this scan for Christmas, I essencially thought of changing from bread to presents. The clothes and hairstyles came a few minutes later.
----About designs:
Akio-san & Sanae-san: I couldn't leave Sanae-san's bread out! She's so proud of it, after all. Made Akio hold a bouquet of roses, since it was perfect for this setting. His outfit isn't that creative, it's pretty cliche, but I really couldn't see him wearing another thing. Too tired to make a proper pinstripe, so I used patterns.
Sanae-san...since she is into theatre as well, I thought a weird dress like this would actually be fun. Let her hair lose since she's much prettier that way.
Sunohara: Oh good ol' Sunohara :nya: He looks so happy that a smile appeared on my face while vectoring him. There had to be a Santa! And who's better than him?
Ryou:I loved how her hair turned out. Added a simple red dress with a ribbon and done. Her present is like one of those chocolate boxes. A round one like the melon pan she was holding was boring. A heart shaped box is much more romantic. I personally think she turned out really cute.
Nagisa: Nagisa is the one I like the less in this Project. I tried to make her hair straight, but she doesn't look that different. Added a rose and ribbon on her hair and still didn't look that special. I could see her wearing such an elegant dress like that, but it somehow wasn't suiting her. Well, earring and necklaces did add more variety but I'm still not that fond of how she turned out. Of course she had to be holding Dango~
Kyou:Dear Kyou had to have wavy hair. I always wanted to see how she looked like that and honestly, it's not that different ^_^' A simple dress with some frills and gloves, done. I also added laces in her stocking, even though it's not that visible since it was resized to only 25% of original size. She was the hardest, I had no idea how to color wavy hair, and not sure I like green on her.
Tomoya: Oh look! Tomoya's there too. Wow, he's like...hiding! XD I didn't think it was worth changing his hair or outfit since he isn't that visible.
Kotomi: Finally, I made her hair loose too. She looks so different. I also made curls :nya: A simple, long dress with laces and a bracelet. There really isn't much to say about her design. She's not that visible either. And appologies to Straawberryy since she wanted to see Kotomi with her teddy bear, but I suck at drawing animals + time didn't allow me -_-
Fuuko:Her star...I mean, starfish! had to be there as well. Since she has that loli body of hers, I didn't want to make something lady-like. I made something more of cute instead. I made braids for her but they didn't turn out well... ^_^'
Tomoyo:...was my victim. Twintails + Corset. I love corsets and all those baroque clothes but I couldn't really make something like that here, Sanae-san was enough (and she has excuse). So I added a kind of different skirt to go along the corset. That skirt was difficult to color too. I think she looks really different from everyone, but somehow, she doesn't look out of place.
It's already a really big description...I don't think there's much more to say.
Hope everyone loves it! And C&C is extremely welcome, as I spent a lot of effort on this!
Tell me if you see any mistakes! >.<
Original Size: 7004 x 4970 (I had to crop a lot to make a wall version T_T)
Duration: November 30th - December 22nd
Time:Didn't count it but I worked around 2hours per day for the outlines, then 4 hours later for the coloring
Easiest: Everyone's eyes, Sunohara, Tomoya and Kotomi
Hardest: Everything on Kyou and Nagisa, painting curtains
Fun Part: Sketching, picking the colors for their outfits, vectoring hair
Program: Photoshop CS2
Original Image: Here
Other Versions: 1920x1200 Widescreen Version
Work Progress: Sketch, Outline, Colors, Background
vectory vector-wallers sakura--cb

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  1. ASH-Hikari Dec 22, 2008

    OH MY GOD!
    That was my reaction when I first saw this! I'm dying! It's amazing!
    Unfortunately I don't have a lotta time right now but as soon as I do I'm gonna come back and edit my comment ^^
    And of course, thank you so much for the gift! <33
    Okay I'm back now! I was just looking at it again and all I can say is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! So so so amazing, that I can't even think of anything meaningful to say XD
    Akio and Sanae are perfect; love the changes you did to Sanae and how you still left them displaying their bread :P
    Sunohara makes the perfect Santa lol ^^
    RYOU: My darling kawaii girl <33 You made her wear red! I love you. I love red. Ha ha XD And I love how you flared her hair out at the ends like she styled it; so cute ^^
    I think Nagisa looks lovely, despite how you view her ^^ An elegant long black dress (ADORE the pattern on that one) and all those extra little details...and the dango~
    It's true Kyou doesn't look that different with wavy hair :o But it's nice. And I adore how you designed her outfit. Cute dress, long gloves, thigh high tights (with wow detail) and I think I love the gradient on the dress the most! The earrings also catch my eye.
    Tomoya! Yeah, he looks the same as usual, but I can't see him any other way :P
    Kotomi's hair! Those curls are genius. I swear I could have never pulled off something like this...and you chose the perfect colour for her dress I think :)
    Fuuko looks so sweet! Kawaii clothes suit her best ^^
    And your Tomoyo...omochikaeriiii! Ha ha. She looks so darn cute. I'm ready to demand a vector of just her looking like that! (But I won't :P) The twin tails with the outfit and the pose...I love it. I can't get over it.
    Wow. All this and I haven't even gotten to the background?
    Great job with the curtains. I never would have thought to add a floral pattern like that but it's surprisingly fitting :o And the fireworks and stars are beautiful.
    Overall I'd say you've outdone yourself. You should be nothing but 100% proud of this one. And I know I wrote a lot but you so deserve it XD
    Thank you so much for the dedication and have a very happy holiday! <3
    Forgot to mention: straight to desktop XD

  2. christabel92 Dec 22, 2008

    Wow,this is so nice...you really had a lot of work with this one...so many characters to vector...
    I love their outfits,especially Nagisa's...and Sunohara looks so cute in that Santa outfit...
    Really wonderful work,and thank you so much for this wonderful gift :)

  3. YoruAngel866 Dec 22, 2008

    OH MY GOD - same reaction as ash's one ^_^' -
    anyway this is so perfectly done and omg how do you have so much patience!
    also i love the fireworks in the background, not to mention all those perfect vectors
    and im so happy for dedication, thank you :D
    oh btw sunohara is so cute like santa :D
    on my desktop :D

  4. Kitaan Retired Moderator Dec 22, 2008

    Wow, this has to be the best of all your works so far.
    I'm drowning in all the creativity of the outfits
    and styles of hair, it's such a twist on things.
    I gotta say the bg does no justice to how great
    the vector is, all the work and effort is really shown.
    Though I love the curtains <3

    Thank you so much for the gift Kairi,
    I will keep it in my folder and stare at it for some time XD
    It's very beautiful and you should be proud of it.

  5. kyosuke Dec 22, 2008

    No words can describe how awesome this edit is. :0~

  6. monoaltopowa Dec 22, 2008

    Lovely and Beautiful~!
    and also there too much text LOL
    too lazy to read all ''-.-" XD

  7. jns Dec 22, 2008

    You must really have had a lot of work with this! But it totally paid off!
    Tomoyo is the cutest in there ^^ The twin tails really look great ^^ She should stat having those in the anime xD It really suits her
    I love how creative you were with all the costumes! Ryou looks so refined in that red dress
    Sunohara looks so funny as santa

  8. vitaamin Dec 22, 2008

    *hugs kairi* now i really have to make you something amazing since this is just awesome!

    clean lovely lines and their outfit changes are totally worth every minute--at least i think so and yes put that tablet to good use.

    not much to say that other people havent already said except I LOVE IT XD

  9. tsuki-akari Dec 22, 2008

    wow..wow ^^ this is absolutely beautiful!
    yeah you really have a lot of work with this! how do you have so much patience! ^^
    omg their dresses...hairs...curtains... you did awesome job with the designs XD
    same as kitten, i can stare it for a long time...it is on my desktop :D

    thanks so much for the gift kairi ^^ *hugs*
    merry christmas to you!

  10. jaoi55 Dec 22, 2008

    Wow, changing a lot of characters clothes looks hard, very well drawing and pacience x 100 was required. Tomoyo, Kyou and Kotomi cutes aswell . Fav+

  11. ASH-Hikari Dec 23, 2008

    20 faves in 2 hours! Congrats!

  12. Dreamura Dec 23, 2008

    Really inspiring work, I couldn't do something as crazy as what you did here. Grats ;)

  13. EevaLeena Dec 23, 2008

    This is awesome, Kairi! I've seen the sketches & outlines before, and the real stuff look much better! Great job!

  14. EternalEthelion Dec 23, 2008

    haha tomoyo's new hairstyle rocks! XD

  15. rika23 Dec 23, 2008

    lol sunohara XD
    wow XD you made really good job on changing whole outfit and hairstyle too XD
    this gotta be my fav wall and current desktop yay X3
    btw, thanks for dedication XD didn't expect that coming though XD

  16. LystikinenaXP Dec 23, 2008

    HOLY COW....
    thats' that's....how did you do that? :O it's AMAZING. You edited the original pic so freaking flawless!
    The hairstyles and clothes are so creative!
    My goodness, I still can't get over how you edited this whole thing :O
    And just to say, I like how Ryou, Kotomi, and Tomoyo-chan came out best :3


  17. MoonFangs90 Dec 23, 2008

    Sweet MAMA! This is awesome. The same reaction as ash's and yoru's one.
    They are so cute... so really really cute :)
    Thank you so much for dedication I was in shock ^_^'
    I love the vectors, they are really beautiful and fireworks are amazing! :D

  18. Spongepop Dec 23, 2008

    You've got a set of patience to vector all these characters but in the end it was all worth it because they look amazing. I like them all and thus refuse to choose a favorite. Lovely work and beautiful wallpaper, thanks for sharing it!

  19. Yaolin Dec 23, 2008

    I saw this wallpaper in AP but I decided to leave a comment here. I've to congratulate you on making such lovely transformation: I saw the scan and what you did here is simply amazing! The vectoring, the background, the colours... are great. It must have taken you a lot of time to make this wall!

    Very original wallie!

  20. sasaki Dec 23, 2008

    Really beautiful!
    Changing clothes are really match with background.
    It's hard work but you did it very well!
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. excellion Dec 23, 2008

    Can be better, but still nice.

  22. azuretimm Dec 23, 2008

    hi there, I see it posted on http://www.sosg.net/read.php?tid=234472 , hope you don't mind..

    by the way, can we add a Christmas tree in the background? it will be a lot more lively if you do!:D



  23. Fairywater Dec 23, 2008

    Wow! I never have seen a creation that has the outfits all altered...I commend you on a job well done!

  24. himura088 Dec 23, 2008

    Wow! The vectoring is great! And I like the background, especially the window!
    Thanks for the hardwork! =)

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