
Irresponsible Captain Tylor Wallpaper: Empress of the World

Tatsunoko Production, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Azalyn Goza Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Azalyn, from Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Image scanned from cover of LV-1 laser disc. Background done with Paintshop Pro 4.

No other submissions


  1. volrath77 Aug 22, 2004

    Nicely done. Good one.

  2. Zdenek Aug 22, 2004

    I don't know... The bg is kind of trippy and she's grayish.

  3. vegita Aug 22, 2004

    colors are a little too bright but I kinda like it anyway,also a very good job extracting the image of Azalyn.

  4. Falcon Aug 25, 2004

    nice pic

  5. stinky Sep 01, 2004


  6. Cloudstrife21 Aug 23, 2005

    wow... she is so pretty.. i've always liked the series, but it's azalyn what makes it one of the best ones i know..
    background looks kinda funny :D

  7. Starblaze Nov 24, 2005


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