
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: 'Santa Moon'

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Merry Christmas to One and All!

This here is the first wallpaper I believe I ever worked on! It took me a year and a little to actually get it to a final point. I had started it off in a standard size but then changed it to wide screen. Unfortunatly, I don't have the correct size for Mini Tokyo here in the wide screen format but I do for the wide screen. Which is actually the original in the end.

When I started this wallpaper I was determined to not have 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Holidays' in the wallpaper because every wallpaper I was looking at to use for myself was all the same and all boring and all red and green. Every last one of um! Not saying they weren't all good walls just not for me.

So, I choose none Christmas colors in a much different fashion then you'd expect. I added a texture to it to give it a little something and added a few other scan images to perk up the emptiness. As for the scan I had to put the ribbon around it because the scan has 'green glow in the dark' snowflakes. So, i had to cover that up. The I added a brush here and there and suddenly I was looking at a finished wall.

I couldn't believe how much I changed my mind. With a boarder without... this color and that... with this image and without. This side of the screen and then the other but in the end it was all worth while. But if you don't like those colors.... I have a red and yellow theme that I made for a not so nice request over at AP but in the spirit of giving... I made this for that person.

>>> Standard Version

>>> Wide Screen Version
And remember... A Child was Born!

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  1. Koboshi93 Dec 22, 2008

    I love the colors and the pic is cute

  2. amuikuto2009 Jan 24, 2009

    I like this wallpaper very much thank you

  3. viewnaka Nov 21, 2009

    Ohh~ I love Sailor Moon very very much! ><

    Thank you for upload^^

  4. ghbbjjknkj Oct 27, 2010

    Usagi here is so cute *.*

  5. SakuraMoon06 Nov 22, 2012

    I'm so happy that Sailor Moon is coming back! Thank you fir sharing this wallpaper!

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