cool vector
merged: 12-18-2008 ~ 08:02pm
I love your zero and ichiru vector
cool wallpaper
Ok guys this may sound sick but those little angels of the kids are Sinever's and mine children, and Yoru is aunt... XD So this means that this wallie is dedicated to Sinever and Yoru :) Hope you like it guys.. :D
Anyway it took me quite a long time to make this... I had problems with hair and that took the most of my vectoring time ^_^' but I like the way it ended... :D As you can see I have used image from MANGA?! This is first time I'm vectoring image from manga ^_^' I like the fur, I made it that way because I liked it and I found it that was really the most similar to fur to make a fur with brush... Of course as they wear winter clothes I made another wallpaper of winter ambient.. which means with snow... :D I like the skin, like the shadings and pattern I added only to their clothes and I really don't know about you but I'm really in love with this image.. :D
Sentence I wish I was part of you was said by Ichiru to Zero while they were young... T_T
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cool vector
merged: 12-18-2008 ~ 08:02pm
I love your zero and ichiru vector
cool wallpaper
awwwww so cute
Yeah! Lovely wallie!
Cute doesn`t even begin to describe them. :3
I love the hair. It really looks good. I guess the way you did the fur is interesting...
There`s a leak from the hair in Zero`s eyebrow though.
Love the snow. Hurray for more snowy things. <3
Waaiii! Sooo cute.
Kawaiiii! They're so cute together!^__^
Beautiful work!
So nice^^ I like them in this version, good idea and very good colouring!
very cute
and I love the colouring :D
SO CUTE! Love the eyes ^^
And the work u had with the hair really paid off cos it's great
adorable sis :D i LOVE hair :D
also i hate doing hair outlines, especially when there is that amount of them :D
beautiful job sis <3
Ahan... XD, your vector and wall looks great, sweetie! I just luv itttt! Amazing outlines too ;)
what a lovely wall,thanks for sharing XD
kyaaaaaaaa my cute boyos XD
finally you've submitted it & boy I just love your wall :D
the vector is done very nicely as usual ^^
Aaaaaaaand you had to upload this the same day I watched episode 11 of Vampire Knight Guilty 8d
I need a drink x'D
But never mind, its adorable, even if it makes me a tad sad ^^,
They are so cute and adorable! :D
I just love it! :)'s the Kiryuu twins! XD
Awww...they're soooooo adorably kawaiii >_<
it was sad when Ichiru died...but I'm glad that despite all the thing that happened, they still love each other!
They're my fav brother-pair XD
Love the vector-wall...nicely done^^
omg!~~~~~~~~~~~` lol~~~~ they are so cute and adorable and omg~ cute~ lol~~~~
kiriyuu twins are just the cutest (besides my takuma lol..) omg! luna!~ same here i really wished ichiru didn't
have to die........... T_T
well anyways thanks for sharing~ <333333
AMAZING! *_* The lines....the fur....*speechless* O_O
Awesome work as always! XD
yeah they are very cute :3
Oh you're right ,they really very cute!Aaah i will perhaps eat them!I can't help how is this kawaii.This vector is so clear and brilliant.Excelent work!
Zero and Ichiru! Wow they're so cute! Amazing picture, you're awesome! ^^
nice artwork/ the color and everything looks really good/
Hugs! for Ichiru & Zero!are so cute Guys!
the smile Ichiru is most Kawai!*--*! is my Twin Prefer!
ah zero looks serious! but Very cute!kisses!
is A Vectorwall!Very Very Cute!and Kiree Pretty!
* 0 * Merry Chritmas!
waiii waiii
So sweetie
ano futari is so KAWAIII
Very cool wallie I like that
><I hope I can create something in this christmas for you guys><
I have a little problem with my Pc home><
anyway very cool wallie Kat-chan^^
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