I really love the setting. This looks so pretty ^^
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well, well... it's a long time since I've made the last wallpaper...
I think I need to pratice more with photoshop, 'cause I'm seeing sometimes I can't do the things I want
but this is not the case.
I made this wallpaper after I made one that will be given as present to a good friend of mine (and it will be here at MT
after I give it to her)
I have spent about 3 hours doing this one.
I've tried a lot of different backgrounds before I choose this one.
For me, Sailor Moon in general have sooooooooo much affinity (I don't know how to write this... i.i) with cities, a
metropolitan atmosphere. Have you understand what I liked to talk? o.O
I used a city photo to make the bg, so I put a lot of effects to make it more unrealistic that I can. =P
So I used loooooooooots of effects on Tuxedo and some little brushes.
I hope you like.
(updated! I have uploaded the wrong link =P)
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Skiyomi Dec 17, 2008
phoenixalcott Dec 19, 2008
wow....this is *really* nice! good job! keep up the great work!
SleepyxTunaxFish Dec 21, 2008
I really know what you mean about the cities. The series is set in a busy place with lots of buildings for Tuxedo Kamen to jump over.
I think you did a really great job with this one. It's really just fantastic! The colors are great as well!
IzumiChan Dec 21, 2008
That's true... the night city, with bright faraway lights and deserted places fit the fights them the most... it kinds of make you remind a galaxy, dark with stars around... lol~ xDDD
When they're during the day, inside a park, for example, it's too bad... -_-
Either way, I like your wallpaper, though I hate Tuxedo Mask... XD
Good job! ^_^ -
KinomiyaMichiru Jan 20, 2009
The black knight of sorts
Damanex Mar 11, 2009
You are my hero, I have never seen a better Tuxedo Mask Wallie. He would be happy with you.
fennytron Aug 03, 2009
Is amazing this wallpaper, great job! thanks for upload, I think Darien is one of the cutest boys in all the world.
joury Dec 03, 2009
very very great job
i hope to see many wallpapers from youso good luck ^^
ShootingStar1201 Jun 23, 2010
thanks 4 sharing ...... nice job
nekodemonessa Mute Member Jul 22, 2010
Thanks for sharing. mamo-tyaaaaan))
Fumasakurazukamori Aug 09, 2010
Very cool!I tip my hat to you!
Akoya Nov 11, 2010
I love this. I think your background choice was perfect for Tuxedo Mask. Especially from early on when he walks the city like a phantom.
CrimzonThorn Nov 12, 2010
I love him. Hes awesome. Thanks great wallpaper.
DragonBlood Aug 15, 2011
It's a really good Tuxedo Mask wallpaper...Nice work! Thank you for sharing!
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