Aww this is soo cute :D
I'm a snow when I see something with snow,I just can't resist XD
Love how you did it by the way ;),maybe the trees look a bit to sharp,but don't mind me ^_^' just my thinking
Artist Comment
XD another OAA
i pretty much dropped all my other WIPs for this one.
The sketch was made in science class when the boring teacher was going on and on about maht problems and some other not
important stuff
bad attempt of paint...i think i'll really look for tuts now, 58 layers
over....a week time probably about 6-8 hours
best part: the snow, snowman <3 and the stuff they're going to put on
the snowman
hated part: the trees (mixture of my ugly ones and stock photos from
weird part: the left eye on the person on the right..and the kid looks weird's like a chibi form of kyoko from skip beat.
I think next time i attempt to paint I'll try using sai (it still hates me)
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anit4e Dec 15, 2008
Evelina Dec 16, 2008
i love it , it just look very lovely . Thanks for sharing , you did a good job
lolalola May 19, 2010
Wow. Great Art and Great Job.
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