
Jigoku Shoujo Wallpaper: Butterfly from Hell

Jigoku Shoujo, Ai Enma Wallpaper
Jigoku Shoujo Series Ai Enma Character

1440x900 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Please Take a Look at the alternate version I linked to T_T
I think I am going to go crazy having to decid amongst them! =_=

It's official that the wings should go from Enma, but the web!
boohoo.. what do I do with the Web! >_______<

Black? or White? *sniff* help me decide...

1. Black Spider Web
2. Black WInged Butterfly
3. Original Monocrome Grey

original scan >> Jigoku Shoujo - Enma Ai by Scampi
I changed her look a bit, to achieve a bit more emotionless
one. Added some abstract shadows and painted the hair a
bit. No brushes have been used.

It's my first Vectored Wallpaper. :) kept minimum shading.
( as before ) added a few more butterflies and shaded the bg.

you might want to check out the web & spider. Its made just
by straight lines and dots. I had to vary the line thickness with
every line I drew. the dots. Even they are of different radii, and
placed in junctions, or simply scattered. But things are not random.
They were carefully planned to be so.

The web was the most difficult part. ~_~ and whadya know!
It still Is! >.< Gah... @_@

Many thanks to my senseis :: Bernouli; Sinever-san for the suggestions
and to my tomodachies B.B.-san and ni-ni for the support! ;)

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  1. dslassey Dec 05, 2008

    I love the geometric-ness of the wall - sharp edges for the win, baby! XD
    The web is fantastic in a modern, sharp and clean way.
    Very cool abstract wall. :)

  2. Hiime-chan Dec 05, 2008

    nya *-*, The scan is so good, I Love her *-*!
    The web and the spider are wonderful =)

  3. kayurachan Retired Moderator Dec 05, 2008

    Hm, maybe you could try re-uploading it with a better resolution? It's full of JPEG compression artifacts... you should take your original .psd file and save it to 10-11 quality at least. It's a good composition overall and I'd like to see it on its full glory.

  4. ChrnoKero Dec 05, 2008

    this is better than the old one ^-^good wallpaper a favorite ^-^

  5. EternalEthelion Dec 08, 2008

    she is still cute even with her scary role

  6. sniper-gamma Dec 08, 2008

    wow.. great job!
    I love jigoku shoujo.. hehe... she is cute but I will think twice to meet her... Xp

    I prefer this one than with butterfly wing... thx for your work! :nya:

  7. Bumble-Bee Dec 08, 2008

    Yep, this 'Wingless Ai' mode is way better, I think.
    Even without those wings, I can sense the dark and sorrow feelings.

    Good one! ^^

  8. nisnoopy3 Dec 08, 2008

    I wanna come here as soon I saw your notification! :)

    Hm.. I've seen this wallpaper before. Oh, yes you deleted the original ones and submitted this. What can I say? This second attempt of yours is getting better. Your skills is improving. And I have to agree with kayurachan. Emma will be more beautiful if you upgrade this wallie into a bigger resolutions. Its look like the whole wall cramped together. You did a great job on the spider webs and I guess you put in lots of effort drawing each line and dots.. >.<

    Anyway, I'm glad that you are improving your skills and this wallie is getting better and better. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Bernouli Retired Moderator Dec 09, 2008

    MUCH better now. Making the web white is just what it needed to turn itself around.

  10. sweetwine33 Dec 09, 2008

    nice! ^^ keep it up!

  11. Raven83 Dec 13, 2008

    Sweet keep up the good work Rue.

  12. jayjay1 Dec 15, 2008

    nice! great pic i love it..

  13. vatican92 Dec 19, 2008

    The spider thingy is cool
    Do i have to fave it?

  14. yutakafair Dec 19, 2008

    mola mucho el wallpaper con la telara

  15. limeic Dec 23, 2008

    I've looked through all the versions, and I must say I still like this one best with warmer colours. :)
    Beautiful work! The web drawing must be hell.. :D

  16. daniela93chz Jan 29, 2009

    It is simple, but reall y nice too! Red, white and black go together very well! Great job! XD Thank you for posting it!

  17. cloudfog Feb 03, 2009

    Sense of the background picture is very artistic conception in line with the animation

  18. Liesel Feb 14, 2009

    Beautiful, I loved the black winged butterfly version It's my favourite, nice job
    Love it :) Thanks

  19. Sitsu-chan01 Feb 15, 2009


  20. lavender91 Feb 23, 2009


  21. ShirakawaKotoriCute Restricted Member Mar 10, 2009

    My favourite Ai chan looks very kawaaiii....
    I hope to meet u...

  22. Lucr3Tia May 03, 2009

    wow nice one i like it

  23. pinple Sep 14, 2009


  24. monkycheez Nov 02, 2009

    Nice i love it...

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