
Original: Dark Area

Member Art, Original
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For my next approach I used colors of darkness to convey beauty. For instance, we tend to have primitive opinion on good and evil light or dark. What if darkness is also established as light but conveyed differently? That is why I used a happy/friendly peaceful expression on the characters face (enjoying the moment.)

Again It was created purely with the Pen Tool$ and the Marquee tool for the perfect sphere. And a fear scant dirty paper for the background.

Spent time: 60 H

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  1. selemental Banned Member Nov 26, 2008

    Awesomeness! D: *favs* Your submissions are so cool! :x so cool!
    *favs em too*
    yay 1st post :3

  2. vitaamin Nov 26, 2008

    this is pretty awesome, although there are some jagged lines. and you shoudl really give some description otherwise people will think its ripped >.>

  3. Sakura-Dust Nov 27, 2008

    Wow, that's pure awesomeness!
    I love the character and those iron spheres look really cool.
    It's perfect <3

  4. Hanahanoiday Dec 01, 2008

    This looks so original,these balls are very interesting and the girl is beautiful i like her serious look.AWESOME job

  5. bloodD Dec 01, 2008

    No girl its a male and thanks.

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