Yay Jupiter!
I'm going to steal this! *laughs evilly* it's so fantastic!
Artist Comment
Hey Wallpaper Fans!
This is a wallpaper of some fanart that I found a long time ago when Sailor Moon was first on T.V. I have been wondering if anyone knows who drew this image because I want to give proper credit to this artist! I have always loved this image and decided to make a wallpaper out of it.
I used a photoshop tutorial and translated it into GIMP. To give the smooth silk look in the back. It was fun to make and play with. I was very pleased with the turn out. The words however failed me in the end. I am thinking of fixing that because the poem I found suites the senshi's well.
The strength to resist the night
The strength to endure the day
The strength to keep righteous paths in sight
The strength to take them without delay
The strength to find a purpose in life
The strength to find the truths it brings
The strength to kick away from strife
The strength to stabalizethe rock it clings
The strength to light a friends' day up
The strength to resist wrathful foes
The strength to fill a stranger's dry cup
The strength to shun sin when it opposed
The strength to feel a injured man's pain
The strength to hold a reject's hand
The strength to act against any gain
The strength to love without demand
The strength to understand that our King
Has blessed us with than we can contain
Therefore regardless what time may bring
The strength will continue to reign
By: Anders Lim
So, that's what is in the 'lightning bolts'. I am very sorry I haven't gotten it to work out yet but at least you know what it says now.
Special to: God/Jesus/HolySpirit
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Amatrix Jan 11, 2009
knightclawer Aug 07, 2009
I'm have stole this wallpaper too..I admitt it. its An Outstanding wallpaper of her.and, I like that poem too
Gladis Jan 17, 2011
Stunning detailing, colors, light, and shadows!
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