Finally you finished it and it looks really nice! ;)
everything fits and I love your vectoring XD
Artist Comment
EDIT1: ehm i made the outlines of the chair lighter...i hope it's ok now...but i don't think that i will change the other thigs...not now...because i just can't see this wallie anymore X-O
EDIT2: ok ok... although i didn't want to see this wall for the next weeks...i
blurred the girl on the left...but i will post it here so that there are 2 versions ^^
if you wanna check out the blurred one than click HERE
i don't think it looks good but's me...^^ i never like my works at first X-P
hi there everyone! after a long time a new work from me this one was really troublesome...
this is my entry for the contest.....i hope this will be
accepted OX
well i searched really long for an good image and then i found THIS
and Pluver15 told me this is really i started to vector it...the big problem was the background...OH GOD I
HATE IT! i think it's so boring and...urgh!
i had so many things in my mind but i was not able to implement thats why it looks so boring buhuhuhuhu X-O
and the other big problem was the blood...i hope it's ok how it turned out...
i really was sitting one day on it and thinking about how it should look like...i searched for images drawn my own
ideas....and yeah...thats how it turned out....i really hope it's ok...
in this wallie i used pattern for the first time.. hope it looks good :sweat:
thank you so much vitaamin for helping me! without you i would never know how to
use textures and patterns! THANK YOOOUU!
and thank you pulver15 for helping me with telling me your opinion!
well yea that how it is guys!
TIME: all in all 5 days
HARD: blood...background
FUNNY: ehm..eyes? :sweat:
ah and the snow...well the wallie looked so boring so i added some snow...hope it looks ok ^^
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Pulver15 Oct 29, 2008
christabel92 Oct 29, 2008
Wow,nice wall...this is definitely accepted XD
only,I think that the outlines of the bed are too dark compared to the rest of the wall...maybe it would look better if you made the outlines of the lamp darker...but other than that,I like it :) -
vitaamin Oct 29, 2008
wow chrisp this is really good, and you are improving so much (i think it deserves an elite). the vector is very gorgeous, beautiful lines, nice patterns and i think the blood looks pretty good =]
so some things that will make the wall better. like christa said--the outlines of the chair are too strong (esp because the window frame which is closer to the front has no outlines). also the girl in the back & the chair need to be blurred slightly to give the paper more depth. also the chair needs a darker, and more blurred shadow. right now there are two focal points which is kind of distracting because they are far apart. if you still want to keep the focus on the second girl, i would say move her to left. if you dont really care about the second girl, blur her more. same with the design on the wall, it needs to be blurred.
nice job on the sheen for the window, but the parts around the window frame need a slight glow as well to top of the effect =]. and there should be a glow into the frame where the lamp hits it, if the lamp is close to the window (i cant really tell if its in the back or against it)lol thats alot of information --" but i would like to see you use more effects and shading in the future =] keep up the good work XD
Straawbeeryy Oct 30, 2008
I really think alot of the things in this wall is just spectacularly gorgeous. The blood, pattern and vector are to die for. The effect on the window is really nice.
The thing that bothers me is what vitaamin said about having two focal points. Right now, I`m not really sure who to look at. And I <3 how you made this a snowy wall too. -
Aldarionar Oct 30, 2008
Blood is perfect..
Shirahime Oct 30, 2008
it's beautiful.... but who's the girl on the left?!
Koboshi93 Oct 30, 2008
very beautiful I like the ambiance with the blood
x-lawss Oct 30, 2008
I love the title of your wall! Very STRONG words XD
Well, nice wall you have here keep it up and thanks for sharing! -
mina-world Oct 30, 2008
waaah such a wonderful wall I love it xD !
well done ^^ -
KiyanaIkebana Oct 30, 2008
wow! Chrisp-chan!
This waliie is so GREAT! I love Enam AI!
And the Blood on the window looks cool!
Great job! -
Evanchrist Oct 31, 2008
WOAH it totally very cool , i like it so much
sasmith20 Oct 31, 2008
Nice wall! You've got some sharp looking vectors with awesome colors and a concept that's just perfect. Well done!
Hanahanoiday Nov 01, 2008
Gooh this is beautiful,i like this bleeding window.Enma Ai looks full pain,but it's so cool.And the girl behind she is so original,i like her look.This wallpaper is simply
fully magic.Too this vector is beautiful. -
Animezealot5140 Restricted Member Nov 10, 2008
Awesome wallie of Jigoku Shoujo! Great job. X-P Thanks! +fav. :D
shyjoy Nov 14, 2008
i like the combination of the colors..very nice!
Shakira Nov 21, 2008
thx very nice :)
akika Nov 22, 2008
this sends shivers up my spine....very well done!
sniper-gamma Dec 08, 2008
wow... I like the blood effect on enma... heheheh... make enma very cute and very scary... Xp
weeheng Dec 19, 2008
Is that snow flakes ?it looks like a patch of blur to me .
but nevertheless, its still a good wall
gaaraismylove134 Dec 20, 2008
so cute!
ShirakawaKotoriCute Restricted Member Mar 10, 2009
Wow Ai chan looks very cool...
With the blood over her hand... -
DeadPandass Apr 11, 2009
Awesome wallpaper , keep up the good work
louise02 Apr 14, 2009
nice wallpaper! the blood oozing from enma looks like from RPG games!
nice work!
denitoo May 21, 2009
Ai is so cute :nya: :) kawaaiii
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