
Touhou Wallpaper: Scatter Night

Touhou, Remilia Scarlet Wallpaper
Touhou Series,OVA,Game Remilia Scarlet Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Finally I've done with this wall... :nya:

This is my second entry for dark-wallies Halloween Contest

Maybe it's not creepier than Haunted House Make a Secret after all
But I want to participate with this one too. Is it okay?

Think idea for creepy one still hard and you know I really dislike all about 'horror-thriller-and something like that'. Cause of that I got idea, "Why not to add the pumpkin icon since Halloween identical with that" After that I'm going for browsing again and found this girl even I found her in small resolution (not really small, about 800px). Originally, the dress is white with sephia color but I change it with black cause it cool to me XD.

About time, I spend about 4 days for these:
2 days vectoring the girl
5 hours for vectoring pumpkins
and 1 days to background

Program Used: Adobe Photoshop CS
Total Layer = 51 layer

The wall and floor came from Togainu no Chi doujin, and the pumpkins came from Adumi Tohru's artbook.

Still, detail is killing me ><....
That makes me open my eyes very wide when vectoring part cause I do it manually with reset brush!
Fortunately I use tablet for that, if not? I don't know what will happen to this wall :sweat:

By the way, I hope you like this wall and please comment :D (Please FULL VIEW too :D)

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  1. YoruAngel866 Oct 24, 2008

    this is just beautiful :D well done haya-chan!
    the colors and everything, it just fits, and i love her black dress...
    but to say this, i think its not creepy enough for contest sorry T_T
    oh and i love pumpkins :D

  2. Koboshi93 Oct 24, 2008

    I love the character especially her hair. For the bg, I like the pumkin and the tree behind the window!
    Great job

  3. christabel92 Oct 24, 2008

    yay!a new wallie from hayashi-chan XD
    I love it,the vector is cool,as well as the pumpkins...I don't think it's really creepy,but since it kinda has a Halloween feel,I would really like to see it accepted...but that's up to yoru-chan I guess...

  4. cloudymirror22 Oct 24, 2008

    i like this a lot, really nice work.
    i love her scruffy hair and the evil wings, she's really cool looking.
    and im a big fan of halloween style anime art.

  5. Aldarionar Oct 24, 2008

    lovely.... her eyes look beautiful.. well done m8.. :)

  6. Alcyndore Oct 24, 2008

    She looks wonderful. She's very pretty, so I don't find her scary at all. I love the combination of colours: red and black. The details are great: the white branches, the petals.

  7. chrisp Oct 24, 2008

    oh! i like you wallie a lot! i love the chara and the pumpkins! they look really great...but i think this on is not so creepy....but anyways great!
    thank you so much!

  8. ArtificialRaindrop Oct 24, 2008

    Unforunately, the point of the contest was specifically to make scary wallpapers since every year there's been almost nothing but "cute girls in costumes" for Halloween. The aim was for people to try to make a scary wallpaper.

    But that being said, I really do love this piece. You have excellent vectoring skills, and the girl is more lovely than cute, really. I think it's a very nice compromise on not doing horror and not doing something cute- it's a classy wallpaper that I just have to favorite :) I just wish it was also in widescreen so I could ride out the rest of October (and maybe some of November) with it on my desktop. -_-

  9. beto00 Oct 24, 2008

    hola ha todos

  10. vitaamin Oct 24, 2008

    this is a very gorgeous vector! i think much better than your last one XD.

    the only thing i can find wrong is that those whiet trees are a bit jagged. blur it in several layers to get rid of the jaggedness, esp since the rest of the wall has been blurred.

  11. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Oct 24, 2008

    Wow it's really Cute>,<
    mmm,not Creepy
    but it's really nice and good vector,love the dark think in her
    the window is cool
    and I like your pumpkin.
    and you improve your skill very much
    I'm still can't make vector this time(have busy with my Study><)
    anyway really gorgeous wallie
    love it

  12. MizuuHime Oct 25, 2008

    Sugoooooiii....! I like this! Good job, hayashinomura-chan.

  13. ShanaFlare Oct 25, 2008

    wow,gorgeous wallpaper! XD

  14. Straawbeeryy Oct 25, 2008

    Your vector is just plain lovely. A big plus for the awesome looking pumpkin too. Pumpkins! I also adore Adumi Tohru`s work so yay for you for vectoring it.
    It`s true that this isn`t creepy but it still is pretty.
    The only thing I don`t like is the text and the thing next to it. I find it unnecessary. >.>

  15. HydeExile Mute Member Oct 25, 2008

    The vector are flawless and highly detailed,and the background complement it with perfect synch.Yup it's not creepy,but it's lovely and cute.I love the girl's eyes most,red and sharp.

    Very well done.

  16. Kagome20 Banned Member Oct 25, 2008

    WOW^^looks REALLY AWSOME^^LOVE IT^___^thanks for the share!

    merged: 10-25-2008 ~ 07:22pm
    Also goes to FAV^^it is a REALLY GREAT WORK (in my opinion), you did a really GREAT WORK^^!

  17. Sinever Oct 26, 2008

    I really love your vector & the pumpkins are looking good too :D
    but the white trees at the back is a bit bothering me but its just me so dont worry about it :)
    well done its a fav & highlight ;)

  18. KiyanaIkebana Oct 26, 2008

    It's a very nice wallpaper!
    She is so pretty! XD
    I love her red eyes! So beautiful!

  19. kuryuki Oct 26, 2008

    but not really scary

  20. Animezealot5140 Restricted Member Oct 26, 2008

    Whoa! XD Thanks. I like it. Yup..her dress is cool. Gonna use it as my Halloween desktop wallie~ +fav. Arigatou! :) :D

  21. lilmaggie22 Oct 26, 2008

    You know what, the first thing i thought while seeing your wallpaper was Halloween.
    The candle on the side is pretty subtle, but is it me or the leaves come from the candle, almost if the flames were actually those white leaves.
    Well, what enhences the mood/darkness is the negative effect you did to the trees. I dont think i would want a white sky with black trees.

    And by respecting the theme, you also added PUMPKINS and bat wings! I love how real they look like.

    One thing i would like to say is that her dress, i love how gothic it is, but the laces, the bright red onlike makes us concentrate on it rather than the whole X like design. I had to zoom in to see them clearly.

    Other than that the rest is all halloween! Especially her red eyes that screams vampire to me.

  22. Evanchrist Oct 27, 2008

    So cool ! you did good job ^__^

  23. sailorcapuccino Oct 27, 2008

    Wow, this wall is cool!

  24. cerberus20 Oct 27, 2008

    Very nice, the one thing i found odd was when i first looked at it, i thought the thing down in the lower right corner was a feather, but looking closer (and the part that its in a candleholder) got me back on track and seeing it as a candle :P

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