
Bokura ga Ita Wallpaper: The Way We Are

Yuuki Obata, Artland, Bokura ga Ita, Motoharu Yano, Nanami Takahashi Wallpaper
Yuuki Obata Mangaka Artland Studio Bokura ga Ita Series Motoharu Yano Character Nanami Takahashi Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi there guys...Long time no heard... :D
I checked your AP account so I find out that you love Bokura Ga Ita...I was about to make you some yaoi wall but I didn't had that much time and I didn't liked them :D Really if you don't like it say it that way pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....And SO SORRY FOR LATE SUBMISSION i REALLY COULD NOT DO IT EARLIER... T_T still it hasn't pasted month... :D this heart on send goes for you X-P

I really liked the scan of Liuhu and tried with my version to put it more to scan...just to clean it...I left some send from the scan and it matches perfectly and made myself sea,clouds(finally people, finally) and that birds were upper and I putted them down to make perfect wallpaper...I tried doing them eyes but on the end I haven't done then because it wasn't that and believe me if you put them Bokura Ga Ita lost its unique stile...In the end in some parts they appear with only one eye... :D
i putted some patterns on her T-shirt because it really was very very empty and of course I left them their shading(meaning i made them myself) and I haven't putted him anything because it's not his stile.
Song "The Way We Are" is from my favorite bend Cinema Bizzare and if you haven't heard anything from them I suggest you to do it because they are anime freaks tooo and their songs have a little of anime in themselves... >.<
This wall goes to fallowing groups:
depths-of-sound cafe-tb rainfallinglove timeless--rain dream-wallies colorfull-wallies vector-wallers wings-lovers free--wallers celestial-luminesse vectory
That would be all from me...Hope you like it! :)

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  1. tsuki-akari Oct 09, 2008

    it's a beautiful wall! love your vector XD

  2. christabel92 Oct 09, 2008

    I like the vector a lot,it's really neatly done,but their mouths are strange..it's probably how it was on the scan but when you open your mouth from profile,there's supposed to be a hole there and also you can see the teeth a little...
    I love the water,though :)

  3. gemini3 Oct 09, 2008

    Lovely, a scene at the sea (strong and beautiful), great wall!...

  4. YoruAngel866 Oct 09, 2008

    i love the background :D
    vector is very nice :D

    edit: wow youve got elite! well done sis!

  5. selemental Banned Member Oct 09, 2008

    Beautiful! So touching! This is an incredible piece of work *tears*
    *favs* :D and i luff the bg & characters! :3

  6. vitaamin Oct 09, 2008

    i agree about the mouths, and while i like the colored outlines, i think the outline color on her skirt and his hat need to be different. darker blue for the skirt and grey for the hat. also, although the sun seems to be hitting his hair in a soft way, the rest of the scan doesnt really reflect that, so i think you shouldnt have blurred the highlight so much. ll and i wish you spent a tad more time on his toes, but toes are so difficult. and the pebble, i wish you did a light colored outline for it --"

    i promise i did have to try very hard to find anything wrong with this vector. the painting is gorgeous. no not just gorgeous, its flawless and although bokura ga ita had a little bit too much clingy drama for me, it is still a great anime XD

  7. EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi Oct 09, 2008

    Waii waiii
    Bokura ga Ita
    I love this anime
    nanami is cute,the something that make me love this anime is their smile.it's so lovely.
    anyway your vector is very nice Love the Background very much

  8. MoonFangs90 Oct 10, 2008

    Since I cant edit it

  9. 7NaNa Oct 10, 2008

    awwwww....kawaiiiii desu^^

  10. Sinever Oct 10, 2008

    I like it :D
    the mouth looks a bit weired like some people already motioned but its not that bad & I really like your wall moon-chan XD
    the bg looks awesome & its a fav & highlight ;)

  11. Sakura-Dust Oct 10, 2008

    Yano <3
    Thanks a lot, I really like the romantic scene, makes me think of the long gone summer holiday T^T
    I really like the vector and the beach.
    The mouths should've been white though ^_^'
    Also, great idea with Yano drawing a heart, too bad the sea shell isn't well defined.
    Other than this... I love it really much.
    Thanks a lot, Bokura ga Ita is a really sweet anime that made me cry too much, too bad Nanami is so stupid though ^_^'

  12. fanny-chan Oct 11, 2008



  13. Sutainaito Oct 11, 2008


  14. marjnathan Oct 11, 2008

    the two of them look soooo cute together! great work with this one.. :D

  15. IzumiChan Oct 11, 2008

    Aah, I like this part of the OP~ :)
    The patterns and the beach behind look really well-done, good job~ :)
    I just think their mouths are a little weird... the border-less skin colord part, I don't know if it should exist, or maybe be white.. o.o
    Either way, I liked this one lots, good job~ :)

  16. Skyneth Oct 11, 2008

    Really nice wallie. Simple and cute.
    Good job. :)

  17. Lunariha Oct 12, 2008

    This is one beautiful and romantic wallie XD
    And the heart-on-the-sand idea is just kawaii... >_<

  18. butter-chama Oct 12, 2008

    loooove this!
    yano x nana <33
    thanks for sharing
    excellent work
    take care

  19. minamiyukihimenonaka Oct 12, 2008

    Waaah this one really really romantic scene on seashore (love it) especially on Yano wrote love sign on sand, it's very touched. Nice wall!
    Widescreen is available?

  20. Alcyndore Oct 12, 2008

    It's elite image! I love its soft tones, its peace and the affection it implies! It is wonderful in its simplicity!

  21. MizuuHime Oct 24, 2008

    Simple but beautiful....

    Nice work!

    I love the blue sky and the sea too!

  22. cayetanita Mute Member Nov 05, 2008

    i really like this picture it is so cute

  23. CINDERELLA Nov 20, 2008

    i love your work
    so fabulous ~"~

  24. carbon14 Dec 21, 2008

    wow ! beauty and simple, nice work :)

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