
Air Gear Wallpaper: Private Laughter in The Night

Oh! Great, Air Gear, Kururu Sumeragi Wallpaper
Oh! Great Mangaka Air Gear Series Kururu Sumeragi Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hiyaaaaaa,Waiiii waiiiii
:D XDFyuuuuh. :hmpf:
Finally I can Finished My New wallie.This is my first wallie since My arm can't be used for a moment.but now I'm going well.and not write only with my left arm hehehehe. X-O
thanks for Minami-chan who always cheer and support me. :D
eventhought I'm still not fully recorvery but I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKURA-CHAN.HAPPI BASUDEI DESU. XD :D :) :nya:
And I made this wallie specially for you
mmmm,maybe it's look not well,but I hope you'll like it.
I want to appologize about my very very late Present for your Birthday
gomen gomen
Hontou ni gomenasai
m(_ _)m :sweat: T_T <_<
I'm apologize to Aisha-chan too because I'm still not finished My wallie for your Brithday.Gomen(T T)
But I will finish it soon(If you like to accept it T_T) T_T >_<
anyway My New Kururu is a little different with the other Kururu which I made before
mmmm,or it's just my thought hehehehe
Minna I Hope you will Like it :)

jaaa(I still can't discribe my own wallie just one thing I know,I like when I create Kururu Very much specially in her Hair > < aah and about her watch,The time in her watch is the time when I finished her > < )
>.< >_<


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  1. hayashinomura Oct 01, 2008

    She's look cute, KAWAAAIIII NAAAAA......
    Your Vector is very detail especially the hair, I love that part, made me staring this image an hour. Good Job in Vectoring, Natsumi-san... Adding as favorite ^_^

  2. XAngelKnight1913 Oct 01, 2008

    Look Great! ^_^
    She is amazing in the Manga.

  3. Sakura-Dust Oct 01, 2008

    Yay, Kururu <33
    I don't know who to hug first, you or her XD
    Oh well, *glomps Rei*
    Thank you sooooo much =3=
    Kururu is, as always, perfectly vectored and the simple night background makes her stand out in a very pleasant manner.
    Awesome texture too <3
    I love it too much to express it but, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Minawo12 Oct 01, 2008

    very cute and detail
    Very love her

  5. Azuushaku Oct 01, 2008

    Ahh,shit holy craps
    This Kururu is very awesome.
    I get stuned for a hour
    very Cutest

  6. anit4e Oct 01, 2008

    Ahhh this is a stunning wall i absolutely love it! The lines are so gorgeous and clean,and i just love how you did her hair! XD.The only thing is,you should have putted some shades on her hair-pins too...everything else is awesomely done! ;)

  7. Ririiisu Oct 01, 2008

    Gyaaa,what is this?
    Very Gorgeous
    Very Nice Expresion
    and Perfect thing.
    Natsumi-san this is very make me tear

  8. Kyohado Oct 01, 2008

    Very Cute one

  9. Raifu Oct 01, 2008

    This vector is very take my sight
    I can't turn around yhe other for a hour
    Very Fantastic Vetor tge detail is very complicated and the hair is looks very beautiful
    the BackGround is very simple but that makes the Detail of Character is look very Great
    just the awesome one

  10. lovelylayla Oct 01, 2008

    the sig! smaller, less conspicuous text would be better, you could have also filled the whole bar, having text only on the left side makes it look uneven

  11. YoruAngel866 Oct 01, 2008

    omg the number of faves and comments in 6 h was O_O
    i just love your style, i especially love the hair :D
    awesome vector and keep it up :D

  12. christabel92 Oct 01, 2008

    this is a wonderful wall...I love her hair,it's so well done!
    As expected from you,an awesome wall!

  13. kuryuki Oct 01, 2008

    pure awesomeness

  14. YENESIS Oct 02, 2008

    wonderful! is super pretty!

  15. vitaamin Oct 02, 2008

    this vector is very unique indeed! i do wish that the hair were a tiny bit more flow-y and the hands could use a little more work, but the style is so distinct and the coloring is gorgeous. what floors me is really the backpack and the watch. it also has a nice western-media feel to it, at least i think so. xD

  16. ShanaFlare Oct 02, 2008

    this wall is just beautiful :)

  17. shurei-KO7890 Oct 02, 2008


  18. monster33 Oct 02, 2008

    Good Job^^

  19. KiyanaIkebana Oct 02, 2008

    Very excellent work and job!

  20. Sutainaito Oct 02, 2008

    Wow,when I see the tumbnail in Mt is kururu.I can't wait to view in full screen.
    and I got a shock this is very beautiful wallie
    and you make the outline very fantastic
    Very a Nice a beautiful Work
    I like her hair very Much

  21. msoup47 Oct 02, 2008

    Perfectly CUTE
    Amazing work of you

  22. FFai30 Oct 02, 2008

    The work is make me Stun for a moment
    very amazing work.
    with the unique outline and such a happy expresion
    make this wall very great
    She is so KAWAII
    Cute cute forever

  23. Allicyia Oct 02, 2008

    what wrong with this wallpaper?
    This is so amazing,just when I look at the time it's submited
    this number of fav and comment is amazing
    (even thought I one of them who stun from this wallpaper^ ^)
    Your stlye is very impresive
    Is very beautiful work
    Specially her hair,it's take my time very much to look at it.
    Sakura-san will be happy to receive this amazing work
    keep it up
    Pure Cute and beautiful perfect

  24. aeidail Oct 02, 2008

    She's so cute,
    it looks simple(ish), but the work is so clean and neat :D

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